Now, Boxing Day is THE day of yacht racing for Oz!!! The exciting classic Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race is ON!
I, Momo, is forever ready for this big event.
Here I am, on my way on a Maxi yacht to visit my pal, Pablo, who lives in Hobart.

Woooohooooo, Pabs, have the drinks ready. Here I come!!!!!
Way to go, Momo! Mum used to go to Cremorne Point to see the boats when she lived in Sydney. It was always lots of fun, even though she knows nothing about racing!:)
Wow, you Oz Kats sure know how to live!
Happy Holidays from Gonzo and Mozart
Hold on tight, Momo! I wouldn't want you to fall in the water.
I've got the niptinis on ice waiting for your arrival! Stay dry!
You make a beautiful captain MoMo! Make sure they catch you some fish too.
Wait! I want to come too!
Huffle Mawson
Don't fall off!
I want to grow up to be a sailor too!
Enjoy your adventure Momo and don't get your tail wet.
That looks like fun, and the colorful sails are so pretty. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
PS: MoMo do you think you could get one of those things to bring you to the MS Gulf Coast for a visit? ~Socks
That looks like fun, Momo! Enjoy your visit with Pablo!
Way to go Momo.. Do enjoy your vacation. :)
HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WE hope your Christmas was a happy one :)
Looks like you have a nice crew ;)
Good luck, and have fun!!
Wishing you a HAPPY NEW YEAR too!!!!!!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia and Tillie
Use those claws to hang on tight!
Careful Momo and balance tight!
My Grandpa has raced on a few of the yachts in the Sydney to Hobart and Momma has all Grandpas old memorabilia, it's pretty neat :)
Did you win?
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