It's a little cooler in the morning after the overnight rain, so I am let out to the back garden to smell the grass and take in the fresh air.
There are also birdies up on there in the trees, but they are way too high for me to attempt to catch.
As you get older, you are wiser and don't waste energy doing the impossible. So I settle for a relaxing stretch on the lawn, while SS prepares breakfast for herself, which usually means treats for me.
I don't think I will be allowed to stay out for too long as it is going to be a hot day again. I can always watch the garden and the birdies from the French windows...
PS We are having a lot of problems visiting blogs and leaving comments. While we have signed up to be followers of blogs, we don't always get notified of new posts of the blogs we are following. Anyone else have similar problems?
Sunday 27 February 2011
Easy Sunday in the Garden
Friday 25 February 2011
Purrs for the people and animals in disaster areas
Things are not going too well for people and animals this side of the world. Widespread floods and cyclones in Queensland as well as other parts of the Australia and the recent devastating earthquake in Christchurch have resulted in many people and animals losing their lives, businesses and homes.
Please remember them in your purrs and purrayers.
My SS's birthday is coming up next week. She has asked all her family and friends to donate money towards disaster relief rather than buy her presents.
As for me I have recovered well and am looking forward to spending time in the garden this weekend, if it is not too hot.
Have a good weekend, efurryone!!!!
Sunday 20 February 2011
Steaming Sunday
Kitties, you might be conned into believing that I live in Sydney but the truth is that I live in an oven. It has been so hot lately!!!!! 100F for days on end and just as you think you can breath again, the heat wave returns, as do the rain and floods elsewhere in Australia.
Due to my recent illness, I have not been going out to the garden much. Thanks +++++ to the power of purrs and tail wags around the globe, I am much better now and am also eating a little more. Drinking is another story - I just don't.
My kidney problem persists and the vet says SS has to be on the alert for my fluid status, especially on hot days when I am not drinking. So today is one of those days when it was already over 90F by 10am. Our little house has no a/c and it can be as hot inside as it is out by mid-afternoon.
Friday 18 February 2011
Annual Purr-fur-mance Review
The time is here - the dreaded time when we kitties can have a say in the purrfurmance of our humans.
Sad to say, SS fall short on most counts....
Overall rating is a bare two paws - SS just scraps through with no colour. She will HAVE to:
1. Help me to blog more often, preferably daily.
2. Visit at least 20 furriends each day.
3. Give treats every hour on the hour.
4. Perform scritches whenever I want them and not whenever SHE wants to do it.
5. Work at graphics and photoshop skills so that I can help my furriends in organizing parties and shows.
6. More participation in CB events.
Aw, SS, despite your failures I still love you! Purrrrrrrrrs......
This week is another sad week - our sweet furriend Annie has gone to the Bridge. Run free, Annie, with our furriends at the Bridge. We will miss you, until we meet again.
Please visit her family in this difficult and sad time to offer support and condolences. It is always hard to lose a loved one, no matter how much you have anticipated the event.
Monday 14 February 2011
Thursday 10 February 2011
Thankful Thursday in the Garden
First of all, I must say how thankful I am for all the purrs and tail wags that I received from the furriends of the CB and my doggie furriends when I was sick.
Thankyou, Thankyou, Thankyou.....Power to the Purrs!!!!
I have been discharged from the hospital to rest at home. I only go out under strict supervision and only stay in the garden for a short while to smell the flowers. After the heat wave many of the plants have withered, except the hardy hibiscus.
Happy to say that I have started eating again, not quite as much as before, but it's a start.
Once again the purrs of the CB have pulled me through. SS and I are grateful and thankful for our furriends - you are the best!!!!
Monday 7 February 2011
Sad Day - A tribute to Pablo
It is with a very sad heart that I am dictating this from my sick bed. My dear furriend Pablo has passed on to the Bridge. I shall always remember him as the feisty, handsome dude who had his own international fan club of which I was a member. When we first met, he was under the blanket for days, in protest to moving house. He was only showing a paw from under the blanket on the day of my first visit.
His mum and SS met for coffee when she was in Sydney for a conference and had a good netter about us. A bond was formed between the families, as it were.
We have followed each other's progress since then, inlcuding the addition of his new family member, baby Alex. We were very concerned and worried when he fell ill in the recent months but had hoped that he would recover and spend many more years with his loving family. But that was not to be.
We will miss you, Pabs, until we meet again. Run free with our furriends over the Bridge!!!!!
As for me, I was admitted to the Hospital again after vomiting. I was more dehydrated this time due to not eating/drinking and the prolonged intense heat wave. Our area had power blackout and there was no cooling - the house was like an oven when the outside temperature persisted at over 100F. I was given subQ fluids and further tests showed that my kidneys were indeeed compromised. That's why I have decreased ability in fluid regulation. The vet will teach SS how to give me subQ fluids. However, for the time being I am staying in the hospital until I eat/drink to the vet's satisfaction. It was with great relief for all that a cool change arrived yesterday, dropping more than 30 degrees F in half an hour. SS hopes I can come home soon.
Thankyou all for your purrs!
Thursday 3 February 2011
Happy New Year of the Rabbit
Today is the first day of the Chinese New Year of the Rabbit. (Rabbit, did you say? Whooopppeeeeee!!!! Have you got any in your garden, my gardening kitty pals?)
Thanks to all the purrs around the world, I am slowly getting better but not well enough to be allowed out yet since it is still very hot (over 97F). I am eating a little more but still less than 1/4 of my normal amount. So SS is supplementing my diet with eggnog.
Please spare some of your purrs for victims of the cyclone in Queensland. Those poor people and animals have been through a lot - the recent floods and now a category 5 cyclone. It has passed and luckily no lives have been lost so far. Many homes were wrecked and there is renewed flooding in some areas.
This is becoming a regular bad news - I am sick again
Threw up twice last night and have been hiding ever since. Stopped eating again and only had sips of ice water/milk. The temp is over 100F and SS thinks I am dehydrating. We are leaving for the Emergency Hospital soon.
Your purrs have pulled me through last week. Please, please continue. My SS is very upset at the turn of events. We thought I was getting better when I started eating again.
Tuesday 1 February 2011
First of all, I must thank everyone who came by and left their purrs, good vibes, tail wags and get well wishes. I am really overwhelmed by the warmth and kindness of the furry bloggers, both old furriends and new ones and furriends of furriends.
The combined good vibes and purrs from all over the world have worked. I have started slurping some egg-nog and taken some ham and dry food. Not a lot, but it's a start. I have emerged from my hiding place and wander around the house.
Before that though, I was taken to the Emergency Hospital for a second opinion when I couldn't get in to see another recommended vet because he was fully booked yesterday.
The blood tests showed a worsening of my kidney function but the vet said that I was mildly dehydrated and sometimes that could return a worse result. I was admitted for the day for fluids and monitoring because SS could not obtain any urine from me. I never like being in hospital or away from home. So I was allowed out yesterday evening.
This morning I started eating and drinking a little and even peed and pooped. SS rang the vet and he was very happy about it. He said I needn't go back unless there was a relapse. I am to stay cool indoors and have special fluids.
I have to be on my own today because SS has to work at her casual job. So she is keeping me in her little study where there is a/c, as it is forecasted to be around 105F.
This is me after returning from the hospital last night.
Thankyou, once again. I feel so blessed to have so many furriends who care about me. Please continue your purrs because I still have some way to go towards recovery.