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Thursday 28 February 2008


I was sick of being left at home all day on my own so I invited Socks, Scylla and Charybdis over for a picnic. My cousin Charlotte, who was equally bored at home, decided to come along as well. We went to my favourite spot at the Botanic Gardens for a leisurely picnic....

The visitors had a good time exploring the beautiful grounds......

and took naps throughout as it was tiring......

Then we decided to give SS a surprise by calling in on her at the university, which is at the western edge of the city central district. Socks is seen here taking a wander around while I attempt to reach for the door bell.

Come on, SS, open the door, we haven't got all day....

Charlotte volunteered to take the visitors for a tour of the university antiquity museum. She is quite familiar with the place as her grandpa was once a professor in the university.

We had a great day with beautiful warm weather and a light breeze. However, once the visitors left, the skies opened up ..... rain, thunder , lightning and winds all came with a vengeance.....

The storm dumped about a month's worth of rain in less than a few hours. Meterologists described the storm as a 'one in 20-year-event' with the heaviest fall in Strathfield (where I live) where 17mm of rain fell in just 15 minutes. No wonder even my hidey hole under the shed was soggy. Sheesh! SS, you really need to stay home and look after me in thunderstorms of this magnitude. I was SCARED!!!!!!

Wednesday 27 February 2008

ACatemy Award

The flamboyant Skeezix was aghast that the CCSI was overlooked in the recent Academy Award. He amended the situation by awarding me and other members of the CCSI the ACatemy Award for our contribution to the feline entertainment industry. Now, isn't it sweet of of him?

Acceptance speech? Okee, here goes:

*Sniff, sniff*
I am so overwhelmed - I don't know what to say except to thank the production members, the script writers and the whole CCSI team, without whom there would be no shows. I would also like to thank my SS, my sissies, my friends at the Cat Blogosphere ....... blah, blah, blah, ....
Lastly I must thank Skeezix for instituting this brilliant award in recognition of feline talent and hard work in the entertainment industry where strikes and scandals are rife.
*kittyhugs and kisses to all on stage and off stage*

Thanks Skeezix!!!!!!!

Here is a photo taken of a group of us actors with our trophies by Sassy

l. to r. Trixie, Yao-lin, Sanjee, Percy, Asta, me, Tigger

Monday 25 February 2008

Visit to New York

New York, New York! Multiple reasons why we were going to that exciting metropolis. Firstly, my cousin Charlotte wanted to visit her cousin, Mrs Perry, who lives in an apartment near the Central Park with her beans. Secondly, my new friends, Scylla and Charybdis, wanted to go shopping for clothes. Being young kitties who have never been away from home alone their moms were a bit worried, so Sassy and I decided we would chaperone them and also take the opportunity to catch up with our sissy Asta who lives there.

So here we were at the Ritz Charlton Hotel. Sassy and I stayed at the Ritz Charlton while the young kitties stayed with Charlotte's cousin whose apartment was across the Central Park. Asta, wishing to spend more time with us also moved into the hotel for the time that we were in New York even though her apartment was nearby.

l.to r. Charlotte, Momo, Charybdis, Asta, Scylla, Sassy

l. to r. Momo, Charybdis, Asta

The next day we met the younger kitties near their apartment and enjoyed the warmth of the early morning sun at the Central Park before getting dressed to go shopping. Asta decided to sleep in a bit and would meet us later.

l. to r. Momo, Sassy, Charlotte, Charybdis and Scylla
Photo by SS

The young kitties decided they would go shopping on the Fifth Avenue on their own while we older kitties would take it easy - meeting Asta to have a snack in the Park, doing a bit of jewellery shopping and having some time out for a chat over a leisurely lunch.

l. to r. Charlotte, Charybdis and Scylla
Photo by Asta and edited by SS

l. to r. Sassy, Asta Momo

l. to r. Asta, Sassy, Momo

We then went back to the hotel to get changed for the show 'Wicked'......

l. to r. Charybdis, Charlotte, Scylla, Momo

Sassy friend's Donald insisted on us meeting him for dinner before attending our show. Oh well, seeing that he was acquainted with Sassy, we obliged..........

l. to r. Momo, Donald T, Sassy, Asta

Here we gathered outside the theatre just before the show and coming down the grand staircase of the theatre during interval.......

The next day we all went to the Rockefellar Centre to have a look.....

l. ro r. Sassy, Charybdis, Charlotte, Momo, Scylla, Asta

The younger kitties continued their shopping spree while we were guests at a chat show in which we discussed the conceptual importance of the cat blogosphere in promoting goodwill among the furries and our experience as inter-species siblings.

This was followed by another show in which Sassy was asked to be the guest host. Please go to her blog for more details.

At the end we were shopped out and ready for home with many more bags than we came......

l. to r. Sassy, Charlotte, Scylla in the hotel bedroom

Here we were relaxing in the plane on the way home.....

Front row - Sassy
Second row l. to r. Scylla, Charlotte, Momo
Back row Charybdis writing her diary

Formal and street wear were selected by Momo from the current season's collections of Diane von Furstenberg and Oscar de la Renta
Photos by Sassy, unless otherwise stated

Sunday 24 February 2008

Red Carpet Event

Tonight is the night of the Oscars, traditionally one of the most glamourous events in western showbiz. Being a cast member of the CCSI of both shows last year, I must support the industry by appearing at this event and look forward to joining my friends at the Red Carpet Buzz organized by the dynamic Karl. Please visit the site and take a look at all the glamourous kitties and doggies, all decked out in real and image edited fineries.

On the theme of awards, I must thank the kitties from the Crew for giving me this award

In turn I would like to pass this on to Opus and Roscoe, Karl and Sassy for including and encouraging other kitties to join in the activities of the blogging world.

I would also like to thank my sissy Momo-dog for giving me the following award:

Quick, kiss me so that I can turn into a princess! Actually, I am quite contented to be a cat. Just look at the fate of princesses such as Grace and Diana. No, give me the simple life. The jacaranda tree is fine for me.

Wednesday 20 February 2008

Things that I have learned from the Cat Blogosphere

Although I have only been a member of the Cat Blogosphere for about 4 months I have made many friends and learnt quite a few things.

If you sophisticated kitties promise not to laugh at me for being an ignorant puss, I shall share them here with you.

1. I didn't know what a cat tree was. The only trees that I knew were the ones in gardens and on roadside.

High points for me aren't top of bookshelves or cupboards but top of the jacaranda trees and roof.

2. Nip - Australian kitties don't react to catnip. The gene responsible for the reaction has been bred out of them.

3. Toys - I never knew that there were specific cat toys. I used to play with whatever there was in the back garden - flowers, leaves and lemons that have fallen from the trees, insects, lizards, mice, birdies and butterflies until SS bought a small ball for me from the pet shop after reading about toys other cats have in the CB.

4. Gotcha Day - I never knew what a Gotcha Day was. I still don't know mine.

5. Habits of indoor kitties - I have always been an outdoor kitty and stay indoors for a very short period of time each day. Hence, I expand my destructive energy on plants, garden posts and furniture rather than lounges, curtains and cushions. Thundering herds of elephants are relatively quiet on grass. I don't have a specific scratching post - I scratch on trunks of trees and rose bushes. SS never chastises me for it. I sleep in a box lined with SS's old clothes or newspapers; the box and lining get changed frequently because I like new boxes and linings. Gizzy quilt is something of an unattainable luxury. The closest I get to that is half of the Turkish rug under gran's rocking chair.

Monday 18 February 2008

Miscellaneous Monday

On the 14 February the door bell rang and the postman announced that there was a parcel for Miss Momo with a twinkle in his eyes. Now, the postman and I are buddies from way back; he has been our postman for years. I would mieow at him when I see him go past and sometimes he would stop and pet me and give me a scritchie or two. Whenever there is any parcel for the beans, he usually just leaves it on the doorsteps or on the porch. He thinks it’s funny that a cat would get mail or parcels, so he would ring the bell and hand deliver it. My first parcel came from Miss Peach and this is my second.

Whom is it from? I smelt around but couldn’t tell.

Wait, there is a card. Let’s see. It is from the kitties at The Cats Stephens .......

Sometime ago I won the prize from their contest on expounding the joys of being an only cat. I donated the voucher to the Meezers and thought no more of it. The kitties thought differently and sent me all these toys and, wait for it, a trophy.

Wow! I have never seen so many toys in my life! Thanks ++++++ to Percy and Abbie!

Today my lovely NOMSS friend Charlie also gave me an award

Thanks +++ Charlie. I would like to pass this onto Sassy, Opus and Roscoe, Karl and Asta. All those who visit their blogs would instantly recognise the appropriateness of this award to them.

Lastly, I wish to wish all the US kitties a Happy Presidents' Day. Sassy has done a blog with a twist on this historical day. Please visit her and see the surprise. Mt Katsmore and Momo Jefferson (companion to that great man), I wonder...............

photo by Opus and Roscoe

Sunday 17 February 2008

Easy Like Sunday

The cruise was fun! Now that efurryone is gone I am left alone, lazing....



and dozing, until inconsiderate SS disturbed me with the flashy box....

Friday 15 February 2008

Valentine Love Cruise Dinner Party

Hope efurryone is enjoying the cruise. Now it's time to head back to Sydney via the beautiful Rose Bay, so named because there were wild roses all over the shores of the bay when the settlers first came. Here are some photos taken by Sassy on the way back, of herself, Opus and Roscoe.

By the time we reach Sydney, the dusk has set in and the lights of the city are just coming on.

The guests have all retired to get ready for dinner and the dancing tonight. When you are ready please come to the lounges to enjoy the views and have some cocktails before dinner. There are milkshakes and non-alcoholic drinks as well, specially prepared by Charlie.

Dinner is served in the restaurant. There is a selection of meat and seafood as main courses and a special mousse as dessert for the occasion.

For those who can't make up their mind there is a dish with a combination of seafood and meat.

Dessert of Mousse Valentine is specially commissioned by Asta.
Don't forget the champagne....

After dinner we can retire to the lounge for coffee, cognac and port before the dance ....

Chocolates, anyone? Compliments of Sassy......

The mancats are ready to dance the night away. First on the scene are Karl, Ruis, Emil and Mr Hendrix as they make their entry into the disco parlour...

Karl and Ruis....

Emil with roses for his valentine, Sassy.....

Mr Hendrix. Isn't he handsome? Lucky Brandi......
Some of the other mancats have special portraits done for the occasion....
May I present, Opus and Roscoe..... (photo by Sassy)

Photo background by Sassy and edited by SS)

Percy.. (photo by Sassy)

Stanley... (photo by Asta)

My darling Socks.. (photo background by Sassy with edition by SS)

Ladies, are you ready?
Here is Charlotte coming onto the dance floor....

The sisters Scylla and Charybdis..... (Photo background by Sassy and edited by SS)

My NOMSS friend Charlie....

My lovely sissy Asta...

My beautiful sissy Sassy (photo by Sassy)

and moi!
Charlotte and Riley (photo edited by Sassy and Momo)

Socks and Me (photo edited by Sassy and SS)

Sassy with her valentine Emil.... (photo by Sassy)

Mickey and the lovely Miss Peach in Rose Bay Garden.... (Photo by Mickey)

Please continue to enjoy yourselves. The night is young and it's ours!
More photos will be added as they come in. Please submit photos of yourselves to momoandco@gmail.com for posting if you like.
Happy Valentine's Day, one and all!