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Sunday 10 February 2008

Carnival in Venice

It has been a rather hectic week what with cheering for the Super Bowl, attending the Carnaval at Rio, visiting Socks for a hunt and house party and hurrying to join my sissies Asta and Sassy for Tia’s surprise birthday party. Hence, this is a rather late post for our time in Venice.

While we were in Rio, we thought we would take in the Venice Carnival since we were in a carnival mood. Karl and Ruis enthusiastically agreed to join us there. The word went around, Mrs Oz, Emil, Percy, Charlie (my NOMSS friend), Socks and his sisters, Scylla and Charybdis, also decided to come. So the original Rio contingent of Sassy, Asta, Opus and Roscoe sallied forth to Venice to meet our friends there.

Venice was crowded with merry-makers and there was a shortage of gondoliers. So, being a very versatile kitty, I rented the last of the gondolas and ferried my friends around. Here is Sassy, Ruis and Karl, all wearing their fancy masks, sitting in my gondola sailing on the Grand Canal.

Front - Ruis and Karl, second row, Sassy and Momo, the gondolier, at the back.
Photo by Karl and edited by Momo

I did tell these trusting souls to say their prayers before getting into my gondola. Luckily the boat didn’t capsize and I got them safely to the Square to meet our friends who have all decked out splendidly for the festival.

However, when there were too many of us to fit into the small boat that I rented, we had to cajoule the nice man with the bigger gondola to ferry us all to the venue. After all, I could really steer with my costume and headgear on. If I had, all of us would have ended up IN the Canal before the photo was taken.

This is me trying out the masks made for me by Pyewacket’s mom before I left home. Which do you like?

Here are some of my photos in Venice, but do visit Karl, Sassy, Asta, Charlie, Socks and Opus and Roscoe to see what they were up to.

This is Charlie and me

This is Socks and me by the Canal on our way to the ball.

Sassy, Opus and Roscoe taking a balcony vantage point to watch the parade. Photo by Sassy.

My sissy Momo-dog and Pinot decided to join us at the last minute. Isn't Pinot just too cute in constume? Momo was being the responsible big sister and looked after him the whole time they were there. This was, after all, his first time away at a big carnival.

This is a group shot taken by Karl in front of our apartment. The others have gone on ahead.

left to right: Karl, Ruis, Momo, Asta, Charlie, Emil. Sassy seated in front.

Do you like my costumes? Visit Charlie, she has some splendid ones.

Oh my gosh, who do I see here? My beautiful cousin Charlotte!

Hey, Charly, did you tell your SMS that you were coming here. We don't want her to start a cathunt and mobilize the entire Cat Blogosphere over your disappearance again!


The Cat Realm said...

You did a GREAT job with that boat, Momo!!! And did we have fun! Nothing better than attending wonderful events with wonderful friends!!!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

This was a blast.

Charybdis woke Mommy up (see if they get to sleep inside while Daddy is away after that stunt), so our post is up.

I loved going to the ball with you. Thanks for sending us the picture.


Asta said...

What a splendid time we had..these bootiful pictoowes bwing back all my wondewful memowies..
You awe the best sissy,and I'm so pwoud of you fow wowing that gondola..it takes hoomans yeaws to leawn that, but my sissy is a natoowal!!
smoochie kisses

Leslie said...

Oh my stars! This is gorgeous! Well done! :)

ZOOLATRY said...

Aren't y'all just the wildest party animals! Head over to Mardi Gras in the Big Easy, your fab costumes will fit right in and you'll get lots of beads.

Turkey Cats said...

Great Pictures!!!

Charlotte looks beautiful as always.


Daisy said...

MoMo, you look gorgeous! What a fun adventure. It's a good thing you were able to get the last gondola.

Charlotte said...

Hee hee hee - SMS was a bit worried about me but I left her a note to tell her where I went this time. I did learn my lesson. Thanks for a PURRRFECT time MoMo. You were a great tour guide and I absolutely loved my costume that you picked out for me. You do have great taste!

Riley - Thanks for noticing my outfit!
Charlotte X

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Wow, it looks like you all had a fabulous time in Venice!

Sassy Kat said...

So much fun, so many friends, such beautiful costumes!!!!! What a grand time we had next to the Grand Canal. This was a blast!!!!!

Boy said...

How fun!

Sassy Kat said...

Oh I forgot to mention on how much I liked Socks. I think ya two make such a cute couple!!!!!!

Jan Price said...

Momo, You did well with the boat. No one got dumped in the water, did they?

I had a wonderful time and am showing the photos to the rest of the group now.

We took a vote and we all prefer the second mask. It really compliments your beauty.

(s) Percy
Jan's Funny Farm

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Wow, yoo guys haf da bestest trips! Our mom don't let us do anything fun...well, at least away from home.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

The carnival looks like such a lot of fun!

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Did I miss another party?

snowforest said...

Wow seems as if you had great fun. You all look so wonderful and pawesome in your great dresses!
Love and purrs from the SnowForest family :)

Sassy Kat said...

So much fun to look at all of the photos taken at carnival in Venice. I saw that ya said ya kittynapped Momo and little P. Did you kitty I mean doggienapped Charlie too?

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Sassy - Charlie was invited and came with the full blessing of her mom who also outsfitted her with some magnificent costumes. I took Momo and little Pinot away from freezing Toronto without the knowledge of their pawrents and outfitted them so that they can join in the funsies with us.

Islay said...

I had such a good time. I love it when we animals take over. The celebrations are so much nicer that way! (and of course there is always more food!)

licks & slobbers

Islay said...

P.S. I'm so flattered to have my photo on your blog as a NOMSS friend! You're a sweet kitty, Momo!
licks & love,

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Charlie - I am honoured to have you as a NOMSS friend. You were my first doggie and blogging friend, remember?

Mr. Hendrix said...

My goodness! You all look so fabulous. how did you ever decide which mask to wear. you momo you are such a pretty kitty with such great taste.
fantastic job with the gondola rides momo! you're brave and talented.

MaoMao said...

Momo, those are superduper fabyoolus pickshures! You all look like you hadded such a great time! And Venice looks beeyootiful!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

dennis said...

Dennis is a bit grumpy!
Dennis is jealous of all your fun times!

Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

Really! That looks nothing like Venice, Florida, and I think you went to the wrong place! You need to talk to your travel agent about getting a refund!

Cat Naps in Italy said...

It was wonderful to see Venice! We are so happy that we were able to spend some time with you at the carnival. You looked just beautiful in all of your costumes! Sassy is already making plans for carnival 2009!

Tanti baci,
Opus and Roscoe

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Shhhhh, Diamond, don't say anything, we enjoyed being taken to the wrong place, if that's what the destination was in the first place.