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Monday 18 February 2008

Miscellaneous Monday

On the 14 February the door bell rang and the postman announced that there was a parcel for Miss Momo with a twinkle in his eyes. Now, the postman and I are buddies from way back; he has been our postman for years. I would mieow at him when I see him go past and sometimes he would stop and pet me and give me a scritchie or two. Whenever there is any parcel for the beans, he usually just leaves it on the doorsteps or on the porch. He thinks it’s funny that a cat would get mail or parcels, so he would ring the bell and hand deliver it. My first parcel came from Miss Peach and this is my second.

Whom is it from? I smelt around but couldn’t tell.

Wait, there is a card. Let’s see. It is from the kitties at The Cats Stephens .......

Sometime ago I won the prize from their contest on expounding the joys of being an only cat. I donated the voucher to the Meezers and thought no more of it. The kitties thought differently and sent me all these toys and, wait for it, a trophy.

Wow! I have never seen so many toys in my life! Thanks ++++++ to Percy and Abbie!

Today my lovely NOMSS friend Charlie also gave me an award

Thanks +++ Charlie. I would like to pass this onto Sassy, Opus and Roscoe, Karl and Asta. All those who visit their blogs would instantly recognise the appropriateness of this award to them.

Lastly, I wish to wish all the US kitties a Happy Presidents' Day. Sassy has done a blog with a twist on this historical day. Please visit her and see the surprise. Mt Katsmore and Momo Jefferson (companion to that great man), I wonder...............

photo by Opus and Roscoe


Milton said...

That is great. A good deed is its own reward. But new toys are always cool.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

We'z wif Beezer, a warm feeling from giving and new toys! We like Mt. Catsmore...

The Cat Realm said...

Thank you sooo much for the award, Momo, I really appreciate it!
And that is so nice of the Cats Stephens - and so nice of you to donate your voucher to the Meezers!
"What goes around comes around" in the most wonderful ways too!
Have a wonderful week, Momo!
Your friend Karl

Gemini and Ichiro said...

What great gifts you got! Congrats on your award!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

What a fabulous prize package! Congratulations! :)

Christine and FAZ said...

That is a life time's worth of toys you got there. FAZ

Wrigley, Cobalt, & Penelope said...

That trophy looks really cool!!! You must be very proud.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Oh we love Mt Katsmore, that is too cute. Congratulations on your award and trophy and all the toys. ~Scylla, Charybdis & Socks

Sassy Kat said...

Wow, surprises in the mail, life it good isn't it? Congrats on the award Charlie gave you, most deserving I must say. And a thank you for thinking of me and passing it on to me. Gee I am not sure why I even entered into your mind for this one, ha, ha, ha. Again, thanks.

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Happy President's day to you too. That is a great Mt. Rushmore picture!

Tybalt said...

Wow! How nest, MoMo! That looks like a great package to get. You look lovely on Mount Catsmore. <3

Anonymous said...

Mt Katsmore is awesome! Yeah for you and all your prizes!

Daisy said...

What a great prize package! Getting stuff in the mail is fun.

Juno said...

sissy!! Now your postman surely knows we doggies, kitties & hammies would receive a parcel. :) We're glad you received bootiful prizes.

You had such a pawfect Sunday!! Ours was ok..it was cloudy and chilly as usual but it was PLUS 4C so it was not too bad.

We love seeing all the gorgeous picture from Cruise. Sorry that we missed the dinner pawty...

Momo & Pinot

Leona said...

Wow what a great package! When we send our grandma and grandpa things we always write grandma and grandpa on the envelope. One day the postman said to grandpa "Congratulations! I didn't know your daughter had a baby". Grandpa laughed and said she has two furry babies. hehehe.

Cat Naps in Italy said...

HAPPY PRESIDENT'S Day! See you at Mt. Catmore!

The American Cats in Italy

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

What a great sirpurrize furr you Momo. It wuz furry kind of you to donate yer purrize to the Meezers, so you really really deezerv yer sirpurrize toys.

SophieKitty said...

Those toys look very fun.

Juno said...

sissy! We forgot to mention earlier and Sassy's blog reminded us which we just visited. We love the photo of The Four Greatest President at Mt.Katsmore!!! That is an interesting post!! :)

Momo & Pinot

Jan Price said...

What a wonderful surprise. Enjoy you package!

Yes, Sassy's post is most informative and interesting. We really enjoyed it.

jans funny farm

Jan Price said...

PS - Talk about a short memory! And we thought Jan is forgetful.

Congratulations on your Funky Blog award. That's neat. And good choices to pass it on to.

jans funny farm

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

Mount Catsmore!!! Brilliant!!! You totally deserved those prizes, MoMo. congrats.

Sassy Kat said...

Thankin ya again for the award to passed on to me. I proudly have it displayed on my blog and will post soon about it.

Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

Bean has all my mail sent to where she works. Our postmen are all retarted and we never seem to have a steady one. So I get my mail when my bean brings it home.

That looks like a nice prize package. Concatulation on it, and on your award.

Maya and Kena said...

Hey there Momo!!
Wow!! Congrats on the prizes!!
And oh yea! Happy President's day!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

PB 'n J said...

What a great present and award Momo - and to top it all off, a place on mount Catmore!

Anonymous said...

Neat! Thats a great prize pack! ~Queen Snickers

Bobby D. said...

wow! super idea Mount Catsmore!