Saturday, 29 November 2008
Tuesday, 25 November 2008
Getting better

Thankyou efurrybuddy!!! You really are the bestest friends that a kitty can have. When I am better, I shall come purrsonally to visit you all. At present, I am trying to get a bit more strength and weight on as I have lost nearly 25% of my weight in the last few days.
Sunday, 23 November 2008
Thankyou efurrybuddy
The toys are gifts from SS's niece who is a fan of Hello Kitty.
Friday, 21 November 2008
Freaky Friday
A kitty with two faces was born in Perth, Western Australia, yesterday.
For full details, please have a look at the following article
Apparently, the kitty is doing well, mieowing simultaneously from both
mouths and purring but eating out of only one mouth.
Thursday, 20 November 2008
CCSI new show
I am pleased to announce that after weeks of hard work by the executives of CCSI, a new show is about to air.
I would like to introduce the executives of the CCSI and welcome Asta, the New York urbanista, into the company this season. She is in charge of the wardrobe and is responsible for the fashionable designs that the actors will be wearing in this show.
Photo by Sassy r. Karl (writer, set and graphic designer), Ruis (executive board member, director), Sassy (co-founder, executive producer), Opus (co-founder, producer and designer), Asta (executive board member, costume and fashion designer), moi (executive board member and marketing manager)
Please visit their blogs to see the work that they have been doing to bring the show on air. The cast is being announced by Sassy in her blog. Would all the actors please go and check out their role and be available for rehearsals?
Wednesday, 19 November 2008
I Dare You #4
Sunday, 16 November 2008
The Return of the King
I bet you kitties had no idea where we were going? Or did you? Well, it was pretty obvious. Fin - Finland!!!!!!
Since it was Fin's land, we thought there should be some adjustment to the flag....Now, that's more like it!!!
On our way to the Cathedral, we passed the picturesque waterfront....
Then, it was onward to the Lutheran Cathedral where Fin received the adulation of the adoring multitude.....Doesn't she look majestic way up there?
Next we checked out the train station, not that we needed transport because we had the Magic Carpet to take us wherever we want to go .....
And, of course, the Lapland....
Do you like our tappee?
By now, we are all getting a little homesick for our mommies, especially little Siena. This is a long trip for a kitten. So we all decided to head home on our carpet......
Thank you efurryone for coming with us on our journey!!!!
Momo, Miss Kitty, Fin and Siena signing off.
Friday, 14 November 2008
The arctic
While we were at this part of the world it seemed a pity not to venture to the beautiful Arctic circle. Fin was first to suggest it and volunteered to be the guide to show us the wonders of this region.

This furry was a tad too big for us to take on, even though there were four of us. So we were quite happy to watch him from the safety of our Flying Carpet.
Then, it's time to gasp in awe of the Northern Lights....

Please visit Fin, Siena and Miss Kitty for their stories of our adventure.
Next stop - we are going to Fin's territory on Sunday! Please join us there .
Thursday, 13 November 2008
The Return of the Natives - 1
At long last, we arrived at our ancestors' home.....

The forest of Norway
We had a great time exploring the forest and before we knew it, it had gone dark and cold....
Little Siena was tired and curled up for a nap while we older kitties stood guard. Good thing we have our long floofy coats to keep us warm and dry.
The next morning we came across a cabin in the forest.....
We rested up a little bit before exploring further north in the country where it was much colder.
Then, all of a sudden the weather turned bad. It snowed and snowed.......

We decided maybe it was time to go. Fin has a large estate nearby so we thought we would all accompany her there to make sure her minions were behaving themselves. However, before leaving Norway, Fin thought we should experience more of its natural wonders, so we headed off to the Arctic circle....
To be continued......
Momo, Miss Kitty, Fin and Siena signing off . Please visit their blogs for more of our adventures.
Wednesday, 12 November 2008
NFCs at Köln, Germany
Finally we got to Köln, Germany, the home of little Siena....
Great view from the air. Don't you think?
After settling in and given nice dishes of milk, we were taken to look at the 'fischies'....Momo: Is that what we are having for dinner?????
Fin: You think that's enough for the four of us?
Miss Kitty: All these kitties are only interested in eating!!!!
Siena: Uhhhh?????
Being forest cats we liked to climb trees, so Siena led the way to her favourite tree in her garden..
To be continued.....
Momo, Miss Kitty, Fin and Siena signing off
Remembering GirlGirl

Graphics by Opus
Tuesday, 11 November 2008
The NFCs in Disneyland
After we picked up Miss Kitty, she casually mentioned that Disneyland was just down the road. Now, we couldn't miss THAT, could we? So off we went, giving it the once over....
The Temptations is a thoughtful gesture from Fin's mom, so that we can have snacks on our trip.
Please checkout the entries of Fin and Miss Kitty for their experiences in Disneyland
To be continued tomorrow......
Monday, 10 November 2008
The Diaspora of the NFC
As a breed, the Norwegian Forest Cat (NFC) is very old but it was not regarded as anything other than a standard house-cat until the late 1930s, when a small number of 'Skaukatts' were shown in Germany and received very favourably by the judges. The cats are now being bred and shown in several countries including the United States, United Kingdom, Australia and Japan. They are rumoured to be related to the Maine Coon and the long-haired Manx.
Norwegian Forest Cats have a thick fluffy double-layered coat, tufted ears and a long bushy tail to protect us against the cold. Our coat is essentially waterproof due to its coarse outer layer and dense underlay. Like the Maine Coon, the adult males are very large cats, weighing 6 to 10 kg (13 to 22 lbs), while females are approximately half that size. Our hind legs are longer than our front legs. We are very intelligent (of course) and playful kitties that enjoy human company. The nickname of "Wegie" began in the United States and is a shortened version of the word Norwegian. For the purists, Norsk skogkatt is the Norwegian term for us.
In the CB, we have representatives from Germany (Siena), the US (Miss Kitty and Fin) and Australia (moi!!!).......Please biggify to have a good look!
On Miss Kitty's suggestion, I organized a trip for all of us to pay a visit to the land of our ancestors, since none of us have ever been there before.
First, I have to get transport. What better than a Magic Flying Carpet that would get us there in style and comfort. Furthermore, there is no quarantine or custom clearance and it requires no gas, therefore we don't have to worry about pollution and carbon offset.
After much pondering, SS and I decided on this.....
Looks pretty good, huh???? So I set off to Las Vegas to pick up Fin and onwards to California where Miss Kitty lives.
Please feel free to accompany us on our adventures......
To be continued......
Sunday, 9 November 2008
Saturday, 8 November 2008
The sisters-in-floof
Whom the Zoolatry immortalizes
Amidst the Norwegian spruce

Though scattered across the mountains and seas

United, we remain, in the Sisterhood of Floof
The Zoolatry has kindly showcased us in her "High 5 Saturday". Please visit and see all the other gorgeous kitties.
Thursday, 6 November 2008
Wednesday, 5 November 2008
Post Halloween 'Party'

l. to r. Opus, Karl, Asta, Ruis and little Tintin (in front)
We had a loooooong, loooooong lunch at a restaurant close by while the mancats went shopping for electronics......

Please visit Karl, Mrs Oz, Tintin, Sassy, Asta and Opus for their versions of our adventure.