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Thursday 19 February 2009

Sunshine after the rain

It has been raining 10 days straight and my garden resembles a swamp. All I have been doing was curling up in my snuggle box with the blanket that my gran made for me and SS's old sweater.

It has also been a rather sad and harrowing few weeks. SS and I are grateful and most appreciative of the kind words and thoughts from our friends. The Zoolatry kitties and thier lovely mom, Ann, sent us this to cheer us up....

Today the sun comes out and we decide to make an appearance and visit a few friends. We shall try and come by all your blogs to say 'mieow' in the next few days.

Saturday 14 February 2009

Valentine's Day

Many thanks to Diamond for helping me with the design of this card.

Happy Valentine's Day to My Socksy!!!

The executives of Little Productions are having a Valentine Party at a castle in Sicily. All are welcome.

Please visit Sassy, Asta, Karl, Ruis and Opus to have a glimpse at our adventures later. Of course, my Socksy and his sisters will be there as well. Please join us and have a great day with your Valentines.
Wait, here is a Valentine Card from my lovely sissy Asta all the way from NYC!
Thankyou Asta, I can't ask for better sisfurs than you, Sassy and Momo Dog.

And one from two of my oldest friends, Maggy and Zoey their mom Ann. Thankyou so very much for your friendship. I do so treasure it!!!!

Monday 9 February 2009

Very Sad News

SS and I are very sad that her aunt, the one who had been very kind to me and looked after me while SS was away, passed away this afternoon.

As she has no children, SS is her closest relative, hence we will be busy organizing things. Blogging and visiting will be suspended for a while. While I will miss all of you, I am sure you will understand as the lady was like a second mom to SS.

Wednesday 4 February 2009

Wordless Wednesday

My SS is bizzy with work and family issues and we are taking a short break . I shall leave you with this intriguing look to ponder.

I'll be back soon - please don't forget me!!! I shall be missing you all. Keep well, stay safe and happy!

Sunday 1 February 2009

I am miffed

I am sure you would all sympathsize with me on this issue. My SS was given this mat but instead of letting me have it she insists on putting it outside the front door where I am not allowed to go because we live on a street where metal monsters roar in high speed. I am not happy!!!! It's a kitty mat, isn't it? It should rightly belong to me.

In a huff I am now staying up here and won't be down until dinner time.....

SS is soooooo mean!!!