Merry Christmas Efurrybuddy!!!!
This Christmas we, the "Down Under " kitties, would like to invite you to our warm and sunny country for Christmas.
Don't know who we are? Well, here are us....

We come from all different parts of the continent and we will show you our parts of the world
I, Momo, am from Sydney, New South Wales and so is my cousin Charlotte

While you know all about the icons of my beautiful city - the Harbour Bridge, the Opera House, the harbour foreshores, Bondi Beach etc, I would like to show you a different side of this region - the flowers! These flowers are wild flowers in this region of the east coast of Australia......

If you like to see more of the flora and fauna of my country, please go here.
It is a website sponsored by the local national parks.
Have a wonderful Christmas! A BIG, BIG THANKYOU to the Zoolatry mom, Ann, for making the beautiful graphics for us.
Please drop by to visit the other Oz kitties:
Oh, such beautiful flowers! We'll have to stop by to visit the others to see where they live in Australia.
Merry Christmas, Momo & SS!
Merry Christmas Momo! We will have fun visiting everyone!
Such beautiful flowers!
Happy Christmas Momo! We will be visiting the others too!
Oh dem is beyootiful...we apreeshiate yoo inviting us to come where it is warm. It's snowing and cold here! Merry Krissmouse!
Pretty flowers! Merry Christmas Momo. From your friends, Monica, Phoebe and Joey
Hooray!!! Gloria ex-celery deo! (Or sumpin' likes dat!!) Happy holly-daze to all you cats down underz. We iz honored to know ya! Oh Mo, I broughts some Orangel (HIC!) fur a itty bitty bit of holly-day cheer!
DR Tweety
Merry Christmas! Mom loooooves flowers and those are so beeyooteeful and different than ones we haf here in Connecticat. Cheers! We's toasting for Christmas Cheer.
Ah sun! What a nice treat!
Merry Christmas
What a great post Momo! :) I forgot how different our flowers are:)
PES: I is in Sydney too! :)
Merry Christmas! :)
We wish you all a very merry Christmas and a blessed New Year!
Purrs, Suki, Livvie & Mitzi x
Oh, thank you so much for inviting us for Christmas. It is raining at home and NO fun.
The flowers are lovely. Your state flower is particulary pretty and perfect for Christmas.
The beans went out to eat so we raided the fridge and brought the fillet stuffed with crabmeat and topped with crawfish sauce to share with everyone.
We forgot to sign our names but you know it is us. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
What unusual flowers! Course we don't have many in the desert here. Happiest of Holidays to you sweet SIF and to SS too. It's been great getting to know you.
"Jeremy!! Get your paws out from the beautiful flowers!!!" Oops.. sorry about that. He kind of attracted to colorful flowers.. hehe :P
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Criz & the J Family Kitties
Oh my gosh! What pretty flowers. They look very yum, um, I mean fun to just look at and not chew at all...
Wishing you and yours the Merriest of Christmases!
Merry Merry Christmas, Momo!! Have a wonderful day:)
I'm gwad you invited me over. Mine Mummy is mean and weft me and That Thing all awone over the chwistmas. So I shall teweport away and have fun mineself!
Momo, you is lucky to live in Australia wif such bootiful flours! I guess ours mite look exotic to you. We'll stay just long enuf to warm up an touch noses, but we wants to bisit alla our Ozzie furiends!
Meowy Christ Mouse!
Victor & Nina
Merry Christmas from us here in Chicago, Illinois!
Moe and Carmela
The flowers are gorgeous! Thanks for inviting me over for some warmth. It's very cold here. Merry Christmas, Momo and Momo's Mom.
How great! We didn't even know some of those OZ cats being OZ cats.... and some of them we didn't even know.
We will have to come back and visit everybody!
Mrs. OZ is quiet excited - she thinks all those cats are HER cats - as they call themselves "OZ kitties". I haven't explained it to her yet - I don't want to shatter her joy on X-mas....
Happy Holidays to you!
The Cat Realm
Happy Christmas to you Momo, and to SS and her family! That's a great post about some stunning and unusual flowers - we sometimes take stuff in our backyard for granted, so it was nice to be reminded about some unique Aussie flora.
Thanks so much for coming up with the idea of Holidays in Oz - it was nice to find out about some other Aussie kitties.
Purrs to you and your family,
Gypsy & Tasha
So much information to take in. I haven't seen all these flowers as we are in Adelaide. We have a nice grevillea in flower in our garden most of the year with lots of pretty birdies. I am not allowed to say yum yum or crunch crunch, as we are nature lovers and I have to stay away from them.
MEOWY KITTYMAS to you dearest Momo!
Can I take home a bouquet of the smoke bush flowers for mommy...she loves snowflakes and they look like some. Actually we have lots of real snow here right now...way toooooo much...want some?
Love Miss Peach
Merry Christmas, Momo! I hope you've had a lovely day.
Merry Christmas, MoMo!
MIEOWWY Christmas Cuz! You were looking very relaxed today....and my SMS saw you eating some Krispy Kreme icing!!!! It's been such a long time between postings! Hopefully I'll get my typist to give time to me!
Love Charlotte x
BSIF, I have only little internet time but wanted to wish you some happy days! I hope you are feeling better. We all love your plants, they are incredibly exotic to our eyes!
Purrrrrrs, Siena
best catsmas wishes to you all!! thank you for the lovely pictures--we will visit the parks site soon!
Hi Momo! Thanks for sharing Christmas downunder with us! Those flowers are beautiful!
We hope you have a furry Merry Christmas!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
Merry Christmas to YOU!!!!!! Great to visit you and see the photos of the beautiful flowers.
Sending you our love from across the miles and wishing you a wonderful Christmas. Give Granny and SS a hug from us and be sure to keep one for yourself.
Buon Natale!
Opus and Cyn
Merry Christmas, well we should say Happy Boxing Day now, to you and all the Oz kitties.
We are soo happy to hear from Charlotte! We all hope you have a very Merry Christmas!!!
Riley, Reggie, Abby, and Batman
Merry Christmas to you.
A very blessed Christmas to you and your pet humans!
Skittles, The Huntress
Merry Christmas to you Momo!! We hope your day was great!! We loved visiting you in Australia! It was lots of fun!!
Your FL furiends,
Merry ChristMAUS!
DMM & the Feline Americans
bootifool flourz... Havez a meowy Merry Christmas!!
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