Grandma's oriental formal sitting room with many breakables and scratchables. Out of bounds to all furries (I think the rule is aiming primarily at me since my cousins, Charlotte and Marzepan, never visit).

Enters a kitty (does look a bit like me, don't you think?).....

What's there? How how do you expect a kitty to see out without getting onto the settee?......

I can't see you, therefore you can't see me.....

Shhhhh, don't tell gran or I'd be in trouble. Quick, SS, fix the cushions before she notices!
Oh that's a good one!
We are sleeping while gran and mom watch Las Vegas on DVD.
Hugs from the topcatrules girls.
Well done, Momo! We are planning some major sneak ins at the place we are too!!! Those cushions just don't look right without a cat on them.
Have a Happy New Year!
Lots of love and headbutties from us:
Siena & Chilli
But surely your furrs would just add a little something to those lovely cushions. Did Gran find out?
What a beautiful place and having you there makes it even more so!
Whew. We were afraid you were going to say you broke something of your gran's. We think you were very good while you were there.
That is a really nice chare. Shiny and fluffy too.
Oh MoMo that couch was made for you!
WOW! You did not break a thing! Very good, I am not sure if we could have done that! And what a beautiful room!
ohhh... we can see your gran has lots of nice thingy! Well done, sissy.. We don't think your grand notices anything 'furry'.
Momo & Pinot
Oh Momo sitting rooms are for sitting.. I thinks if your Granma tries to argue the point just remind her of that.. besides I am sure she is not "that" strict... is she???
It is very pretty though, but whats the good of pretty when it can't be lived in and enjoyed :)
Nice place Momo! We can't believe that you're not supposed to be there - your floofiness complements the decor nicely.
Gypsy & Tasha
You are such a little rebel Momo!!!!
Purrs, Goldie, Shade and Banshee
Momo...we think there's lots of stuff to explore there...but be careful...we wouldn't want you to end up in the d*ghouse!
The room was just ok until you walked in. I'm sure if it was on HGTV's "Rate My Space", the rating would have gone up considerably with you in it!
What a lovely room and it looked even better with you in it. ~Socks, S & C
Oh you look so nice on the settee. I can't believe anyone would mind.
Oh MoMo! You look like you were made for a room like that! I bet it was fun to be where you are not allowed hehehe!
Purrs, Sukie x
Be sure to hide the photos so grandma doesn't see them. I think this room is perfect for you. You look so elegant sitting there.
Momo, I see nothing wrong here - beautiful cat on beautiful sofa - all is right and as it should be.
Whicky Wuudler
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