My SS has been very busy lately and has not been able to help me to blog. There has been no new pcitures of me because I have been unwell with gum infection and have spent much of my time in hiding. Glad to report that I am now better and making tentative appearances out from under the bed.
Thanks to utlra artistic furriends like Diamond and Zoolatry, who have kindly made some beautiful graphics for me, I will be posting these over the next few days. Some of these may be familiar since they have already been posted in the blogs of the respective artist kitties. Others were specially made for me for the festive season, for which I am very grateful.
A big, big thankyou to lovely Diamond, Maggie and Zoey and to all of you for being my furriends.
Meowy Christmas to you, we are so glad you are on the mend. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
Get well, Momo! And have a wonderful Christmas!
Momo sissie
That is a bootiful's the best thing in the wowld to have good fwiendses, and that is the secwet to a happy chwissmuss.
I just hope you get bettew and bettew and keep eating and feeling good
love and smoochie kisses
ASTA sissie
Oh sweet Momo sorry you are still not feeling well. Maybe your sore tooth was why you weren't eating.
We are so glad you are getting better - mom has not posted much for so long - with school, and the boys and all...
After she gets over playing the stunned mullet game, maybe she will blog more for us. :)
We're sorry that you weren't feeling so good Momo, but we're really glad that you're starting to step out of hiding now. Healing purrs and purrayers to you, so that you keep getting better, and big kitty hugs to SS and your family,
Gypsy & Tasha
Happy Holidays
Merry Christmas to you Momo. That is a pretty graphic of you.
We are glad you are getting better now.
Hi Momo...we're glad you're feeling better now...great picture of you! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Poor Momo, I'm sorry you have had a gum infection, they are awful. I'm glad you are feeling a bit better now, I hope you are soon back to full floofy strangth. That's a lovely graphic, Diamond and the Zoolatry girls are very talented!
Rumbly purrs
Whicky Wuudler
That is a beautiful graphic!
I am glad to hear that you are feeling better.
We love what Ms. Diamond did with your graphic, you look lovely. We are so sorry you have not been feeling well and we hope you are feeling good soon!
hope you are feeling better soon momo. Christmas is only 4 days away. and you HAVE to be well for christmas.
A gum infection must be horrible and it's very relieving that you are feeling a bit better! Keep on improving, BSIF! You are a very popular cat, Momo, just look at those lovely graphics! We wish you a furry Merry Christmas!
Purrs, Siena & Chilli
Durn it all. I yam so sorry dats your gumz iz sick. I waz so hopin' dats you waz back on to da track of health. But I yam gonna sits right here next to you, my floofy pal, & purr & purr & purr. & when you iz up to it, I haz brought some tuna tea wit me.
Dr Tweety
We is sorry yoo aren't feeling well...yoor grafik is beyootiful. Hope yoor feeling better and better.
Aww poor Momo, I did not even know, good fuuriend I am ..not..
I am however, evr glad that you is on the men!! OOHHH naughty!!! MenD even hahah
You look extra lovely in your picture, they do wonderful work :))
A Very Merry Christmas to you and
thanks for all your hard work this
year! Jewelgirl + Jewelcats
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