Nice summer day and I am lazing on my favourite spot in the back garden. Ah, I know, I must put on my sunglassess to protect my eyes! These were given to me by Karl and Ruis during my visit to Antarctica recently when we celebrated Miss Peach's birthday in a grand style.
After that, it's head scritchie time - that's it, you got it right on the spot! Just keep it going!!!! Umm..... 'VITA E BELLA' as Roscoe and Opus would say, that is, if they have got over the Colts's elimination!
While we are on the subject, Derby has asked me to barrack for the Green Bay Packers this Sunday in the playoff against the New York Giants. I have therefore donned the cheering squad uniform (see side bar) and started to practice my routine. Would welcome any suggestions on chants and slogans! Sassy????
Tuesday, 15 January 2008
Summer Day
Posted by
Angel MoMo and Charlotte
5:03 pm
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Momo, your back garden looks great. Very smart of you to use the sunglasses in the hot Aussie sun. Looks like SS knows how to give good scritches - is that a former fountain that you're sitting in? It looks interesting,
Gypsy & Tasha
Awwww, you look superduper in yur sunglassies! And ohhhh, that pickshure of you gettin yur skritches is adorabble -- you maded my Momma say SQUEE (that's what she sez when she's ofurcome by sheer kitty cuteness!!).
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
That's a great photo of you, Momo. You are really enjoyed the head scritches! :)
Oh Momo u look soooooooo cute ~ wunderful photos :)
Sending u lots of love and purrs from the SnowForest family :)
Hi Momo, thank you for entering my contest. I wish you good luck! I like your sunglasses. You're quite handsome.
Momo, that looks like a wonderful way to spend a summer's day!
hello MoMo!
You look very happy sunbathing at the garden. We love head scritches too!
P/s: feel free to use the CNY graphic but the credit is not ours. It is from a japanese website. Silly owner forgot to credit back to the site (now rectified) :P
OH lucky you in the sun!
You look wonderful is yor sunglasses. We are envious of your warm weather! It got cold again here.
MoMo, you look absolutlely lovely in those pictures! It is good to see that you are getting at least some of the skritches that you deserve. Good luck with the cheerleading!
Here is a funny cheer for you:
"How Funky is your Chicken?
How Loose is your Goose?
So come on all you Packers,
and Shake your Caboose!"
And then you get to shake your behind all around when you sing this cheer!
Momo & Sassy cheering for their teams. All the fans stood and this is what they screamed:
Congratulations. You and Sassy are going to be great. And we guess you two will be cheering together in no time. After all, the two best cheerleaders ....
jans funny farm
Oh Momo, yoor such a cutie pie. Hahaha, our beans really don't pay dat much attention to da football but mom thinks a good cheer is "it's cold, we're freezing, we hope our opponents start sneezing" it really is suppose to be cold fur da game, dat's what we heard.
Hey, Momo, Don't worry. You know we'll always come check on our friends. So we'll be there this weekend, cheering YOU on.
jans funny farm
PS - Did you like our original cheer?
What a great garden Momo - we'd give anything for summer to be here now. We're just getting more snow :-(
Momo you look wonderful in your Packer cheerleader outfit. Can't wait for the game on Sunday. Which will be Monday morning for you!
Oh that looks wunnerful. Grate scritches in the sun. It's just a distant memory furr us.
Smart thing to have SS follow you aroung and give scritches. You have her well trained!!
Purrs Mickey
We wish it was summer here!
We LOVE your pictute and it makes us smile!!! We wish we can join you!!!
Momo & Pinot
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