I simply can't resist it! Having acquired such wonderful siblings and discovered a wine that is named after me, what is more natural than celebrate and celebrate on a warm, sunny afternoon. The Zoolatry succeeded in capturing the moment......
Do you want to know what the winemaker has to say about the "Momo" wine (MOMO Pinot Noir 2006, Marlborough, New Zealand)?
Here is a direct quote:
" Meaning ‘offspring’ in Maori, MOMO ........ [n]ow grown up with its own identity and personality, MOMO is youthful, urbane and well travelled, with an easy charm. Seriously stylish, MOMO loves good food and great conversation. Above all, MOMO is about enjoyment ........."
Now doesn't that just describe me, to a tee?
I'll drink to that!
Monday, 28 January 2008
Aftermath - A Tribute to ME?
Posted by
Angel MoMo and Charlotte
10:37 am
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Momo that sounds delish. do you get a royalty on it?
That's an idea! Thanks, Derby! I will see if that would work - income for my treats!
Yep, we bet it describes you!! It's like it was made just fur you!
Great pic! Looks like you're having a good time!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
You look comfy and relax under the sun and in front this great view!
Perfect description - and I'd drink to that, if I had any:( Wonder if they sell it in England... Dang, at lease 7 1/2 hours till the shops open...:) xxx
Yes, that certainly does describe you!
jans funny farm
I love the image Zoolatry has done of you!
Perfect description! I hope you don't have a hangover...?
My Sweet sissy MoMo
I couldn't have said it bettew myself!!! Those wowds awe puwwfect to descwibe you..I'm so glad you found such a bootiful spot to welax in and enjoy the day!!!Momo-sissy..I haven't found any to taste yet, but I will!!!
don't fall in the watew sweet sissy
smoochie kisses
Ah that looks lovely! You are so lucky.
Yup, describes yoo to a tee. Derby has a good idea, yoo should be getting royalty and prolly be featured in der advertising too.
Crikey! Look at you - that is SO good!
Wow, Momo, a wine named after you! Very impressive. :)
Furry interesting!
It describes you to a "P" for Purrfection... aaahhhh.
We'd agree wiv that, it's a furry good deskripshun of you. That's a lovely photo.
Hey wanted to touch base hope you wake up and get back to your house, ha, ha,ha. What a great day we had celebrating our new sibling family.
Great wine! It sounds a lot like you, MoMo!
I wanted to let you know that I understand about the SS/Mommy ranting thing . . . my mommy's concentration was in American Indian, and she can NEVER watch a single western because it just makes her mad.
Luckily, mommy was able to just laugh at the worse bits of inaccuracies in 300.
That describes you to a T, Momo and you look so relaxed in your picture!! Have a wonderful day!
Your FL furiends,
MoMo, your wine does describe you very well!
Sounds more like a personal ad then a wine description! Hope they use your photo on the bottle! he he.
Very nice picture!
Wow, we wish we had a wine named after us. Mom loves wine! Maybe she would love us even more, but we doubt that is even possible.
Hey buddy, that is a perfect description of you! And Momma says it sounds like a good wine, too. I asked her if she thought there was a wine named after me, and she said probably not, but maybe I got some namesake moonshine, and then she laughed. I don't know what's funny about that.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Oh Momo, that description describes you purrfectly! You are such a lovely, stylish and charming kittygirl!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
Sissy Momo
I bet you could help me lot with the cooking , cause I bet you could leap up on the countew with no twouble..what's youw favowite food??
I could make something yummie fow you
Asta sissy
I could give you duck and powk woast all the time..and cheese!!! ouw Daddi is half dutch and half swiss..That makes him totally out of cheese,hehehe
I wish you could come ovew
smoochie kisses,
Deawest sissyMomo
Daddi would be happy to get the lickies and to give you as much cheese as you'd like he said!!
You awe a vewy clevew little giwl
smoochie kisses
pee ess why is that not allowed fow catses??
Move over here I am to lay around and chill out with you for awhile. Hey, is there any of that wine left?
There is always space for my sissy! Help yourself with the wine and milk. There are also lizards over there in the bush, if you fancy them.
Hello, I are Japanese. I came to here when I watched blog. It is a pretty photograph. In addition, I come. I'm sorry with English poorness. Thank you.
What Oscar party? We've been out of the loop the last few days. Jan's sick and hogging the computer since she can't go anywhere.
jans funny farm
Oh Momo, we had to say that when we read 'youthful, urbane and well-travelled'...'seriously stylish'...'Momo loves good food and great conversation' we naturally thought that the winemake was describing you in person, not just some wine named after you.
You're looking pretty relaxed by the harbour, but we hope you had some help to empty all of those bottles,
Gypsy & Tasha
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