I have been tagged by Tesla and those lovely kitties at 3catblog for seven (weird) facts about me. I have done a similar one not so long ago but I have such weird habits that I may as well tattle more on myself.
1. I do NOT like eating or drinking out of plastic containers. There is a funny smell to these things. I like glazed ceramic bowls, preferably porcelain.
2. I like changing my sleeping area every few days. That's why there are wicker baskets and boxes galore at my house. I don't return to the same box/basket/lounge after using it for a few days.
3. I do not like tap water. SS collects rainwater for me to drink.
4. I kill but do not eat mice, birds, insects or lizards. I like my food cooked and preferably marinated.
5. I like my food and milk at room temperature, not too cold or warm.
6. I come when I am called, at running pace.
7. I whap at any cat figures, whether it is ceramic, stuffed or wooden. I once whapped a whole lot of miniature kittens onto the floor and sat my big butt on their 5 x 5 inch wicker tray with pride. Silly SS already has me. Why would she want any of these little pretend kitties who can't purr, mieow or headbutt?
I know a lot of kitties have played this game already, so anycat who wants to join in the fun, consider yourself tagged :)
Monday, 14 January 2008
Posted by
Angel MoMo and Charlotte
5:46 pm
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Rainwater! I'm so impressed you have your humans so trained!
Hi MoMo,
That's some interesting facts you have there about yourself. Kero like changing his sleeping places too. He has a crate, a wolly mat and a bed at my owner room and he sometimes even sleep under the table!
#7 is so true! We enjoyed learning more about you. We don't like tap water either - Munich has very hard water that tastes horrible. So we get filtered water to drink.
MoMo, you have SS trained well . . . ceramic bowls, cooked food, and rainwater!
I'm sure she will soon learn that fake kitties aren't welcome in the house if you keep the whapping up. You are absolutely right, why would she need them when she has you?
Wow. That is certainly wonderful of your human to collect rainwater just for you!
wow! you certainly do have your bean trained. good job. i like learning more about my friends!
Oh Momo! You make such a beautiful cheerleader! You should have been on the sidelines with Sassy cheering us on in our big game. We lost though, how sad. Roscoe hasn't stopped crying since the game ended.
Sending a big hug from your disapointed Colt's fans!
Opus (and Roscoe)
This is such a nice way to find out about some of the things I didn't know about ya. Heading out again will touch base when I return, another somethin goin on, stop over and I will fill ya in.
You are so good to come when called! I never do that. I only come to the sound of the treat jar shaking.
MoMo, you are such an interesting kitty, and you are very wise to whap fake kitties! If you're not diligent, they can try to steal your mom.
I'm having a special birthday blitz on my blog today, and you're invited to come join in.
Momo, Why aren't you at cheerleading school with Sassy?
jans funny farm
Feel free to take any pictures off my blog that you wish, MoMo! I'm honored that you asked. =^_^=
So She got up this morning to get her cup of tea, and while they kerttle was boiling, she went and inspected the hutch! To make sure nothing was on the floor or tipped over. And of course it was all perfect.
But - the fake kitten from the Fyshwick op shop that when you turn it on, it mieows for a minute - was not in the bookcase opposite the hutch. It was upside down on the floor. Ew! It looked queer upside down. It looks queer in general. It was only $3 and She thoguht we might like to play with it.
I have noticed that cats like to sit on things that their humans like. As a dog, I have always been fond of lying down smack in the middle of any big gameboards that have been set up on the floor that the humans are playing with. They always look so inviting, and I don't even mind the pokey pieces, but it always makes the humans crazy and they invariably tell me to move in no uncertain terms!
Momo! I didz get you an award! But I couldn't gets da momee still at work so dat she could type to you & tellz you about it! We lovez you Momo,
Dr Tweety
We're sorry you aren't able to be with Sassy on this adventure. We'll look forward to when she graduates and you two get together and trade cheers.
Jan's funny farm
Digital scrapbooking lesson #1 - never use the big letters to make someone's name. It gives you a headache and your cup of tea gets very cold. And you will never get them straight, ever...
Hehehe, Zippy will drink out of puddles! We prefer the twice filtered water from the kitchen sink...
MoMo,I like to change my sleeping place a lot too. It keeps Mom on her toes.
Purrs Mickey
It's me checkin in. Had a long day, was delayed getting to the Cheerleading Academy, seems that there was a tie up on a bridge and the buss had to wait a long time before it could go ahead with our journey. Not sure when we will get there. So tired, will nap on the bus.
Momo, it's good to see you've got SS trained well - we like the way you move your sleeping area every few days. Rainwater sounds like a good idea - we might have to put our paws down and demand some - mainly to see Mum get wet when she runs outside to try to catch it.
Nice work with the cat figures - we'll keep your techniques in mind if Mum ever gets any bright ideas.
Gypsy & Tasha
Sissy, you're lucky to be able to drink rainwater!! We're so impressed!! :) Our is unfortunately very very bad.
We think you have trained your SS VERY well! We should do the same! :P
Momo & Pinot
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