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Thursday 29 September 2011

Thursday in the Garden - Not

High winds,
Heavy Rain,
With the promise of a hail storm.

In the (flooded) garden?
I think not!

This is just wishful thinking, not the real thing.


Avalon's Garden and Mewsings of Garden Cottage Cats said...

Ohhhhh Cod!! Me really hopin you don't have Spring & Summer like we had...... Rain allll da time :((( it'z Fall and it'z still raining
We need to find way to share wif thoze who NEED da rain ...sigh

Well.... You look furry happy & content in your wishful thinking ^..^
Me wishez you Nice Warm Sunny Dayz ~
Purrz~ Ana

Angel Prancer Pie said...

We wishes we could haf sum of that rain-but no thunder boomies! How bout UTB Thursday? xoxo

Mr Puddy said...

I heard that too, Momo
they said on da weekend, I hope not !
Paws Crossed and purrs hard for you and me and Huffle and Teddy
I hope we will have a great weather !

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

That's what you guys get in the spring? Wow.

Oui Oui said...

Poor MoMo! We feel your pain! We're wishing you sunny days and soft warm breezes! We've had a lot of rain too - Irene, Lee and just a bunch of rainy days. Over 23 inches of rain in the last month or so. Aggghhh.... enough is enough!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Man that sounds wet. Of course I'm surprised we haven't had to build an ark here...

Mr Puddy said...

Miss Momo, Please accepted Me ( Handsome Tuxie )to be your friend in FB. I can't write anything on your wall.
Thank you

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Well I don't blame yoo for staying warm and cosy inside today!

LP said...

You're having the weather we had last Thursday! Ugh. And Momo, "ain't nothing like the real thing baby..." so we hope the sun will shine lickety-split for you :)

the critters in The Cottage xo

The Island Cats said...

Well, Momo, that's the thing about spring...the weather can be so unpredictable! Just like our autumn. We hope your weather gets nicer soon.

Dma said...

sounds like the kind of weather perfect for curling up in a ball and sleeping all day.

Cory said...

Definitely a day to stay inside and ignore the garden MoMo! Maybe sleep on top of a good garden book.

Cat said...

Stay warm and dry beautiful Momo!!!

Kat said...

Rather overcast and nasty here today as well. Perfect day to nap! (as if there is ever a day that's NOT good to nap!) Cheers!


Be careful MoMo!

Quill and Greyson said...

Sorry about the weather!

Black Cat said...

Hi there lovely MoMo, sorry for not visiting lately but I've been spending too much time on Facebook. Glad to see you there now too and thanks for your frennid request. I'm going to ask you to be my frennid in my main FB identity too as that's the one I use the most. I opened the other one coz I was having log-in probs for some reason, but it's kinda taken off! :)xxx

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Sounds like a definite indoors type of day.