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Friday 30 September 2011

Floofy Friday

With the coming of warmer weather (ha, ha, you really wouldn't think it with all the wind and rain that we've been having), this floof is not going to last long. In fact, you can almost track where I have been in the house by the clumps of floof I left in my wake.

OK, go ahead, I know you'd want to rub my tummy.....

Have a good weekend, efurryone!


Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh wow. I think the Woman is first in line for a tummy SNORGLE!!!

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Forget rubbin it! Snorgle fest!

The Florida Furkids said...

Ut oh....there's a line for the snorgle fest....where do we get the numbers?

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Vicki said...

And look at your cute bunny rabbit feet - just like mine!!!

Fluffy and Heather said...

Tis the season to be shedding! Are you in the other half of the hemisphere then?

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

You can send some of your floof over here - we are going to need more in a few weeks!

Brian's Home Blog said...

My goodness MoMo, just look at that long line to rub your tum!

Fr. Tom Fish said...

Mini-Mini, MoMo..I have the biggest crush on your furs. A big smoocharoonie is coming your way!

Julie says she wants to snurfle your belly..gee, maybe you better run!!

Have a good weekend!


The Island Cats said...

Our mom keeps reaching to rub your floofy tummy, but her hand keeps hitting the screen!!

Dma said...

sounds like a good furmination might be necessary.

Admiral Hestorb said...

You are so fluffy and gorgeous. I know I've said that before but the fact remains that you are. Mom wants to hold you. WATCH OUT! She kisses too much!

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Are you sure this photo wasn't taken after one of your parties? Sure looks like an aftermath to me. Enjoy your nice weather.

Cat with a Garden said...

What a rub-a-licious pose, Momo! Have a wonderful weekend too.

LP said...

Momo you are such a beautiful girl we would put up with your fluffs fluttering all around us no problemo. Maybe your Mama could knit a sweater with your fur wools...

the critters in The Cottage xo


What a beautiful tummy!
Have a great weekend.

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

(that was my mom)

Avalon's Garden and Mewsings of Garden Cottage Cats said...

Mieow your Floofiness ^..^.... uh oh !!!....... here comez da mom! , headin right fur your floofy bellah!!! :O
Many smoochiez comin your way ^..^
All of Us

Oui Oui said...

You know what our Mom really likes in a kitty?? The really long toe hairs between the toesies and she thinks she sees it on you in your pic! Its really a good thing you live on a different continent or she'll be playing with your toesie hairs!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Yes, like Sparkle said, send your floof this way cause we're getting the opposite change of weather. In fact, Jan just made us kitties some beds and has to dig out the dog beds.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Thanks, we thought you'd never offer.

Jacqueline said...

That tummy is irresistible, beautiful girl; our Mommy is coming in for a snorgle too :)...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Quill and Greyson said...


The Furry Bambinos said...

SQUEEEEE!!! You have a very lovely tummy - Mom wants to snorgle it!

Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, Caramel, Sunny, and Sky (and fosters Panda and Domino)