Graduation Day
Today is a big day for my SS and me. It’s her graduation day! I have been her study pal ever since I adopted her many years ago. We have corseted together in the little study room in the back garden for long hours working on assignments and producing the thesis. I have curled up on her lap to keep her warm on cold nights. I have sat on her books and papers to remind her of their importance. I have walked across the keyboard of her computer to ‘help’ with the typing. I have provided unwavering support in times of uncertainty and means of relaxation in times of stress. Therefore, I feel that I should have an active role on this day and claim equal honour.
Like SS, I have invited my sissies and furriends to the graduation held in the Great Hall of the University of Sydney and the traditional afternoon tea party on the lawn of the Main Quad. The kitties at Zoolatry and Topcatrules have made these beautiful graphics of me as presents….
Like SS, I have invited my sissies and furriends to the graduation held in the Great Hall of the University of Sydney and the traditional afternoon tea party on the lawn of the Main Quad. The kitties at Zoolatry and Topcatrules have made these beautiful graphics of me as presents….

photo bt Zoolatry
Here I am, sitting at the park in front of the Clock Tower gate of the university waiting for my furriends to arrive from their faraway homes…
As with all graduations, individual portrait and photographs with furriends and family are mandatory.
This is a photo taken by Sassy of me as I make the speech at the ceremony….

My special furriends and I are gathered at the entrance of the Great Hall, where all graduation ceremonies of the university are held…
A group photo with my siblings-in-floof who have come all the way from the USA (Fin and Miss Kitty in the back row), Germany (Siena, front right) and Norway (Theodor, front middle)…..
Here I am, at the base of the stairs which lead to the room of my SS’s professor to whom she has gone to pay her respects…..
Another photo with some of my furriends at the cloister, where we gather for the traditional afternoon tea after the ceremony.….
Front l. to r. Socks, moi, Karl and Ruis
Group of three at left: Trixie, Pyewacket and Tigger, centre: Sassy,
sitting on the rafters: left - Charybdis, right - Ollie,
Sitting on the leadge: Opus, At the back: Asta
Asta has taken more photos of me....

Pastries, cakes, sandwiches and refreshments are served….
Please help yourself, efurryone! Thankyou so much for coming and helping me celebrate!!! From now on, I would like to be addressed as Dr Momo on formal occasions.
I always enjoy your photos!!
hoooohaaaaaaw MEGA congrats to your momma Momo!! That is really quite an achievement!! And I am so happy that you were there to help her along and celebrate with her :)
Dr MoMo and Dr SS our deepest concats to both of you. You really are the bestest of sisfurs to us. We love you two and are so excited for you both!!
WOW - we made it in time!!! Congratulation Dr. Momo, what an accomplishment, we are soooo proud of you!
Karl and Ruis
(you can see our arrival at our blog, hahahahahahahahaha)
Dr. MoMo! That sounds so wonderful! You and the SS are amazing and we are proud to be your friends. Congratulations!
I'm going to dive into the buffet now!!!
Congratulations on your graduation, SS and Momo. You have both worked very hard and deserve a spacial celebration. It's nice your friends could be there to help you celebrate.
Congratulations SS and our sissy Momo.. Dr. Momo!!! We know both of you have been working together for years and we're happy to see the big celebration! CHEERS!! :) Maybe we should open Momo wine together??
Momo & Pinot
Dw Momo sissie,
I am so vewy pwoud of You and SS.
This is a omentous day , I and I'm so happy to be able to be hewe to help you celebwate and tell you that I am in awe of youw achievements!!!!!
Those samiches and wefweshments wewe delicious thank you, but the best moment was you getting youw diplomas..I got vewy teawy
smoochie kisses to bof of you
CONCATULATIONS, SS, and to you to Momo! What a wonderfully exciting day:) We hope you enjoy it very much!:)
CONCATULATIONS Momo and SS! We are all so very proud of you! Thank you for inviting us to help you celebrate your big day! We think that you and Momo should take a nice long vacation! If you need any company, just ask! Hehehehe!
Kitty kisses from Italy! Tanti auguri (many wishes)!
Opus, Ollie, and Cyn
Estimated Dr. Momo and Dr. SS,
we are so proud of you and concatulate from the bottom of our hearts. What a great achievement!
I am so happy to celebrate this occasion with you BSIF!
Lots of love your way. Enjoy your day!
Siena with Chilli and mom Britta
Happy Graduation to lovely SS and Momo!
We are so happy for you both. :)
Hugs and purrs from the topcatrules girls and from me. :)
Concatulations Dr. Momo, oh you do sound so distinguished! Concats to SS too.
Congratulations Dr. Momo and SS! What a fantastic graduation partay you have thrown! I wish you both efurry success in all your future endeavours in life.
Awesome post!
Dr. MoMo, we are very PROUD OF YOU and SS.
This is a great party thank you for inviting us. ~S,S,C & F
PS: MoMo Darling will you wear your red glasses next time you come to visit me. I really like them. ~Socks
Congratulations to my sweet sister and SS on this important day! I am so proud of both of you this is such a great accomplishment. My family and I wish you and SS the best. May all of your hopes and dreams come true!
Hey I am wondering instead of me calling you Dr Momo may I please call you Dr Sissie?
Doc would be good too!
Wow, that's really impressive Momo! Concats to you and to SS, 'cos we know that you've studied as a team, and today is your reward. Those snacks look yummy too! It looks like a real celebration up there. We hope you both enjoyed yourselves,
Gypsy & Tasha
Well done ladies!!
My mum has a masters degree from Sydney uni, if she knew it was so pretty she would have gone to her graduation!!
We hope you get to relax now and read some books for pleasure, and have some fun.
Happy graduation and congratulations on your lofty achievement!
Congratulations Momo! To you and your SS! That's a wonderful achievement, and you should be very, very proud.
Congratulations Dr. Momo! You and your SS have worked very hard for this day and you should be very proud.
I'm sure your SS appreciates all your hard work and support too.
Let me get you a plate of yummies and a drink. You've worked hard enough. Time to relax!
woo hoo congrats! what a fabulous celebration.
Dear Dr SS...
what a grand and glorious day. We send big congratulations to you!
Dear Dr Momo...
knowing that you contributed much toward this wonderful accomplishment we also send our
concatulation to you!
Your friends, Maggy and Zoey,
and Ann
Concatulations on earning your degree. I know it has been lots of hours of hard work.
Congratulations, Dr. SS and Dr. Momo! What a very special day for both of you! I hope that you both enjoyed it very much.
Thank you for your good wishes. My work situation hasn't improved any, but my vacation starts tomorrow and my mood has improved enough for the limericks to come through again. My limerick for Oscar has just been posted.
Concatuwations Momo! What a gweat event!
Congratulations to both you and your mommy! I remember helping my mom earn her Ph.D. and it was a lot of work and a great accomplishment!
Congraulations Momo and SS!! We are so glad you both graduated!!
Your FL furiends,
It was a lovely party...and I want to say it here in writing (although I whispered it in your ear at the event) - congratulations on all your hard work. I know you are very proud of SS! What a wonderful human you have adopted! Hooray and good wishes to you both.
Miss Kitty
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