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Tuesday 15 April 2008

Blogoversary Party Time!

This is the day - first Blogoversary of the Cat Realm. And we are all here to help celebrate in a unique Lizard BBQ.

Going back a little bit in time, I had a long way to come from the land down under but the Italian boys, Opus and Roscoe came to pick me up in their Flying Van. Roscoe and I had such fun time playing games while Opus took the wheel as we flew across the Atlantic Pond.

Photo by Opus and Roscoe

On the way we also picked up Sassy and the cake from her barn in the Heartland of America and Asta from New York City, arriving bright and early at Karl's....

Photo by Opus and Roscoe

We actually arrived a day earlier to practice our routines and do some busking to earn our keep as you saw from my last post. It was an exhausting day so before the others arrived we took the opportunity to rest up a bit

l. to r. Mrs Oz on the Table, Charlotte under the table, Socks on the pillow, Scylla and me

Then everyone came. This is the group photo of all 36 of us - Karl's family, Ruis's whole family from the Netherlands, Charlie, Charlotte and me from Sydney, Momo and Pinot from Toronto, Opus and Roscoe from Italy, Jan's Funny Farm contingent, Sassy, Asta, Riley, Socks and his sisters Scylla and Charybdis.

Photo by Karl

BBQ time!
photo by Karl

While the lizards were being grilled, we relaxed in the pool, drinking and savouring salmon sushi, sashimi and snacks. Charlotte and Riley volunteered to guard the blogoversary cake that Sassy brought all the way from the mid west....

Photo by Sassy and Karl

Then it's ENTERTAINMENT TIME.........we present the number one kitty Mariachi group LOS GATOS seen here with guest artists Momo and Socks, and the dancer Charybdis

l. to r. Los Gatos - back row, Roscoe, Opus, Karl, Ruis, Sassy
front row seated Charybdis, standing Momo and Socks
Photo by Opus and Roscoe; Charybdis, Socks and Momo dressed by Momo

Then, the Mariachi Kitty Dance Troupe performing La Bamba and the Mexican Hat Dance....

l. to r. back row Socks, Opus, Roscoe, Riley, Gucci
front row Momo, Scylla, Sassy, Charlotte, Charybdis

More food and drinks....

photo by Karl

And the party goes on....more photos and action in Karl's blog and those of the participants listed above.


Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

Wowza! Datiz one wunderful partee Momo! I yam egg-zausted fur sure...
I has to restee up fur my birf-day cellybarashun tomorrow....but it I cannots haz a partee until Saturd-day. Mebbe you & da restee of da gang will be recoverd by den?
I sure hopes so Momo.
Dr Tweety

Leslie said...

Woo hoo! That's brilliant! What fun. :)

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Fanks fur inviting us, we really enjoyed yours furrst blogoversary
party. that barbeeq lizzard wuz tha bestest.
Purrs, KC

The Cat Realm said...

Thank you so much for coming Momo! What a party - and it has just started.... So let's open the first bottle of Dom Niptignon!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad to see you and all my friends, Momo! We had a difficult time, and the staff still has... But as a cat I know my sister the best and she would say "Celebrate!"

We all beamed over to Arizona.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

It's a fabulous party! We have teleported over to Karl's!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Ruis, we were very sorry to hear about Miral.

MoMo, we are having the bestest time. Who knew BBQ lizard was so yummy. I wonder why they don't make lizard flavored catfood. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis

Turkey Cats said...

This is one great party!

I'm here Charlotte!!!


Dma said...

good golly that looks like more fun than any party I've ever been at...

Sassy Kat said...

Thanks for getting me to the party after Opus and Roscoe dropped us off. I changed my outfit for the performance this evening, how do you like it? Back to the party. Keep near me today as it is fun to party with you.

The Cat Realm said...

What fun! You and Sassy sure know how to make a party a success!!!

Babs (Beetle) said...

Such a great party! We are glad we made the journey. The BBQ lizards were a real treat :O)

Sukie, Livvie & Mitzi X

Jans Funny Farm said...

Great party! We're enjoying the desert landscape and the company. So good to see you again.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

What a fun day to have parties everywhere. Great weather for travel too!!

Asta said...

I'm so glad to be wif you!
I'm just happy that Mommi was willing to stay home and keep posting my twavelogue while I pawty..I'm sowwy I have no pictoowes fwom the pawty on my bloggie..I hope evewyone undewstands
I'd like to dwin to ouw good health now !
smoochie kisses

Moki The Wobbly Cat said...

Karl sure knows how to through a party!

Juno said...

Sissy!!! We had so much fun at the pawty. It was a good break from our messy new home. It was great to see you, sissies and many other friends. :)

Momo & Pinot

Jans Funny Farm said...

Hope you had a nice nap. We all did.

By the way, what does "busking" mean?

Asta said...

I was so happy to see the cat sanctooawy..the kittties had lots of woom and intewesting places to play and explowe..it's quite big. Vets come and cawe fow them..it's gweat!

The pawty is so wondewful..youw pawfowmance was supewb
smoochie kisses
Asta sissy

Sassy Kat said...

Great party at Karl's, too much fun and so much to do. Thought everything was perfect. Thanks for bringing me along with you.

shushu, momo & kero said...

wow, nice party!
Glad you have lots of fun there.... :)

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

Tanks fur makin' my birf-day da bestee evfur!

(HIC!) Dr T