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Friday 25 February 2011

Purrs for the people and animals in disaster areas

Things are not going too well for people and animals this side of the world. Widespread floods and cyclones in Queensland as well as other parts of the Australia and the recent devastating earthquake in Christchurch have resulted in many people and animals losing their lives, businesses and homes.

Please remember them in your purrs and purrayers.

My SS's birthday is coming up next week. She has asked all her family and friends to donate money towards disaster relief rather than buy her presents.

As for me I have recovered well and am looking forward to spending time in the garden this weekend, if it is not too hot.

Have a good weekend, efurryone!!!!


Summer at sparklecat.com said...

I think a lot about all the poor humans and creatures in your part of the world - you have really gotten smacked by the weather and natural disasters! Donating is one thing, but I wish I could do more...

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

What a lovely thing your human is doing my friend. We do think of you, and I often purr for you. It's such hard times out here at the moment.

KnottedFingers said...

I wish I could donate but an unable but I definitely can send prayers and have the kitties send purrs. <3

The Island Cats said...

Momo, we can't believe all the things that have been going on in your part of the world! We are purring so very hard for everybuddy affected. We had our mom donate some green papers, but we wish there was more we could do.

Kea said...

We're purring hard for All Beings, Momo. And we've made a small donation to the Christchurch SPCA via Rumbles' blog.

Dma said...

our prayers are being sent your way... hope your mom has a nice b-day.

Forever Foster said...

We're glad you're feeling better, gorgeous :) What a kind thing for your SS to do.

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

We are sending lots of purrSSSSS!

Brian's Home Blog said...

That is so nice of your Mom! You look like you're feeling much better sweetie, but watch that hot stuff when you go out!

Jans Funny Farm said...

The news has been very bad from your part of the world and it's horrible what so many are going through there. It's really sweet of SS to skip presents for herself and ask for donations for those in need.

We hope you are doing okay, Momo. You really need to drink more water in that heat!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Enjoy your time in the garden! We quite like your person's idea that instead of gifts for her it is for the animals.

Avalon's Garden and Mewsings of Garden Cottage Cats said...

Ohhhh MoMo,,,,, You lookz soo Bootiful, Gladz you feelin better ^..^
Yes, we hearz alot of Bad thinz goin on over by you ,,,, we wurryz about you tooo. It is all soooo Sad and we Purrrayz hard for all da poor animalz and humanz too.Your SS is very Special and Caring human, you iz sure lucky to haz her ^..^
Purrrz & Kisses~

Asta said...

Dawling sissie momo
I am so sad fow all those hoomans and fuwwkids who awe caught in those disastews. I am cwossing my paws and helping Mommi pway fow them. I'm so glad you awe feeling bettew and might be able to enjoy youw gawden. Just pleez be caweful
smoochie kisses

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We are sad about all the diasters in your part of the world Momo. We did make a donation via Rumbles, but it seems so little with all that is happening.


We are so sorry to hear about all of that tragedy.
We will continue to purr....

Cory said...

All of the natural disasters in your part of the world make us so sad, but at least you are feeling better so we have something to purr about.

We've been watching the news and it breaks our hearts to hear of those people who are still missing and confirmed dead.

Quill and Greyson said...

Oh SIF you look extra lovely! Purrrrr

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

We are sending purrs and prayers. We all feel so helpless in the face of such suffering.

We are so glad yoo are feeling better.

Sasha said...

yes a lot of pets and other animals must be having a hard time as well as the humans.

Jacqueline said...

Beautiful photo, gorgeous Momo=we are so glad to hear you are feeling better!!YAY!!...We are purring and praying for all those affected by this terrible disaster...Happy weekend, sweet friend...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Ellen Whyte said...

We saw on the news and were horrified. Poor people and poor town. Christchurch is so pretty.