There was an accident this morning which scared SS +++++++++.
I was stretching out on the back door mat, catching the morning sun when Gran accidentally stepped on my belly and spilled hot tea over my head. She didn't see me because there was a step just above.
I vomited straight away and looked quite sickly. SS heard Gran screaming and came running from the front yard. As it was very early Sunday morning, my vet was unavailable. I was examined and placed under observation at the emergency dept. I have just been released home after I managed to drink and held down some milk and wet food.
Signing off from SS's bedroom,
A big, big 'thankyou' to all my furriends who have visited and left their purrs for me, SS and gran. We feel blessed to have such caring furriends and belong to such a supportive community as the CB.
I returned to the hospital to be checked again because SS was concerned that I haven't been eating or moving around much, even though I haven't vomited since and my belly remained quite soft. The vet felt that it was probably just bruising and there was no evidence of internal organ damage. The burns was minimal, thanks to my thick floofy coat.
I am still resting at home and drinking kitty milk. SS will continue to tempt me with soft wet food.
Sunday, 27 June 2010
An accident
Posted by
Angel MoMo and Charlotte
4:53 pm
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O, noes, Momo.
We's purring fur you sumfing fierce.
I's gonna post this on tha CB right now...
pleeze, get well, an feel better.
Oh Momo, that was a bad accident! And I bet Gran felt really, really awful. I hope you are all right, and that it's just a temporary hurt that heals fast. Sending you warm, healing purrs!
Oh, dear, I hope that you are just a bit bruised and that you will heal up very quickly.
Mom, that must have been very scary for you and Gran and SS. We're purring and purraying lots and lots to help you get better real soon.
Sending hugs to you, and to Gran and SS,
Gypsy & Tasha & Karen (Mum)
Oh Momo, what a scary experience! We are purring that you will be all better very very soon! Purrs to your Mummy and Gran too... accidents are scary!
Purrrrs and cuddles, Keiko, Kenji, Pricilla & Yuji
Oh, no!!!! We're purring hard for you too, MoMo and sending you tons of healing universal Light. We hope you're okay, today, just a bit sore, no real damage.
Kitty kisses to you and hugs to your humans, who must be very worried and upset!
Oh no! We are so sorry. We are purring and praying that yoo make a full recovery. Wot a horrible experience. (We bet Gran feels very guity too). Get well soon.
Oh no! We hope you are all right Momo. We are sending you lots of purrs to feel better.
Momo - we have our purrs turned on that you are OK, what a terrible accident.
We are sorry to hear about your accident - we hope you are recovering now - it's good to hear you managed to eat a little when you came home.
We are sending purrs to comfort you.
Oh sweet MoMo, I really hope you get feeling in tip top shape really soon. My sisters and I are purring and purring and purring for you sweet friend.
Sending lots of loving purrs andprayers that you are well real quick!
Oh no, Momo. I'm purring really hard that you are not hurt very bad and that you will feel much better soon.
Momo! We are so sorry you gots hurt!! We are purring for you and hoping you are okay!
Ouch! We hope you feel better soon. Your Gran and SS must have been super scared.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Oh poor Momo! What a horrible accident to happen. We hope you will be ok and feel better. We are sending you many rumbly purrs and love. We send hugs to your Gran and Mom too as they must need them too.
Whicky Wuudler
& Gerry
Oh my, Momo. What an acident. If I was your mummy I would have been scared too.
I hope you feel better soon.
Purrs from Gotchi
Oh MoMo, we are very sorry to hear of your accident. We are purring that you are fine. ~AFSS
PS: I am teleporting right over to sit by your bedside and hold your paw. ~Socks
Purrs MoMo!!! How aweful 'cuz we know Gran didn't mean to hurt you. Rest up and get better please!!!! Ducky likes to burrow under rugs, mum has to be careful where she puts her feets!
Oh, Momo, we are so sorry you are injured. Jan remembers stepping on a cat's belly when she turned around so she knows your granny must feel terrible about the accident. We send many warm purrs and tail wags for a quick recovery.
Oh Momo!!!!!!
Dis iz awful newz. Your poor Gran mustee be feelin' awful too & your SS mustee be beesidez herself.
We iz orderin' da purr posse to comez oevfur & be dere 24/70.
We iz nots gonna quits da purrz until you eats da 567 ounsez of chixhen soupie I brought fur you.
Da momee here iz franteek & da dadee iz evfun upset...
Our whole fambly adorez you Momo. I tnk evfun da momee & da dadee are gonna purr. Can you hearz dem?
No... better nots laff 'if your belly hurtsez... but we wants to cheerz you up too.
Dr Tweety, Iris, Maximillian, Delilah, Auntie Stinkie, Momee, and Dadee
Oh wow MoMo! We are sending lots of big purrs your way and Grete is wagging her tail for you. We are worried sick and hope you make a full recovery sweet girl. If you want us to teleport over to purr on you directly, let us know.
Yikes that sounds horrible... Hope u get well soon...
we saw the news about your accident and glad you were released to recover at home. We know Gran feels bad and hope you will give her a little forgiveness snuggle when you feel up to it.
Sending purrs and snuggles,
Taz, Runt, Charles and mommy, Anna, in IL
We're purring that everything is ok, Momo...and that you have 8 more lives left!!!!
Our mama sends big hugs to your Gran cuz we know she is feeling bad. We hope she didn't hurt herself.
Oh noes! What a skerry thing! I hope you are feeling a lot better by now MoMo. We are purring our best for you. I hope your grammy does not feel bad, because accidents can happy to anybuddy.
Oh Momo!!! We are purrring and praying that you get all better!! Purrs for Gran, too!!!(((((HUGS))))))) from your TX furiends,
Oh my goodness! How very scary! We will purr and purray for your complete recovery.
Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel
We have rev'ved up our purr motors and we are all sending our super charged healing purrs your way....please feel better furry soon and kitty kisses to your Mom and Granmom.
Oh dear! What a terrible thing. I am glad you seem to be okay!
We are purring and praying our hearts out for you, dear one. Burns are horribly painful and we kitties can't tell people when we hurt.
Did they x-ray your chest? Being stepped on can cause hurties inside of us. We are glad you can hold food down. We know your mum will be vigilant.
Oh nooooooo, this is terrible. Were you burned???? I hope you don't hurt too much and will pray for a quick and speedy recovery. I have you in my thoughts!!!
Oh no, dat is horribul. We know Gramma din't mean to, we bet yoo haf furgiven her already. Please be okay Momo and heal up fast. We can't stand da thawt of yoo hurting. We'z sending lots of purrs!
Gentle healing purrs to you, Miss Momo ...
My sweet sweet sissie
I'm so sowwy
What a tewwibull accident.
I know youw Gwamma must feel awful too..I hope you don't have any sewious injoowies..I'm soo wowwied my sweet sissie
smoochie healing kisses
We heard about your accident from Asa and just wanted to stop by and wish you well.
"The Chans" in France
I'm visiting via Asta's blog to tell you that I hope you feel better soon.
Best wishes,
Dear Momo,
Asta sent me. I'm so sorry to hear that you got hurt. What an accident. I pray that you will recuperate in no time and soon forget the bad memory. Poor Granddma, she must feels so bad, it's not her fault, you agree, don't you Momo.
Hugs and kisses
Oh, noes! Dat is horrible accident! We iz furry sorry to hears dis noos, an we iz purring furry hard for you to feels all better soonest!
from Tigger, Munchkin, Jigsaw and Patches of the "Talk With The Paws" crew.
Oh gosh Momo we is sorry to heer dat. We will send yoo lots and lotsa purrs to get ofur it reely fast. And we send purrs to yre Gran cuz we knows she didn't meen to haf accident.
Sanjee and tha resta tha Hotties
Oh sweet SIF deepest purrs you're fine and well!!
"Ouch!!, says Zaphoid Beeblebrox (who is the rene-owned healer of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Horde, "I know that it was an accident and a scary one for everyone involved!! We are all sending purrrs for you to feel better and for your feeders to feel better too!!"
OMC!!!!! We have been visiting blogs and saw the title of your post and were so worried. What a scary accident. Are you ok now? We are still a bit worried....let us know, k?
MoMo. We are glad to read that you are feeling better, but so sad to learn about your accident. You are a real trooper to begin to heal so well. We know that must make your gramma feel a bit better.
Take care of yourself, and your gramma.
Jake and Fergi xxoo
Gosh! Momo, I'm so glad you are better now. Reading about this accident sure did give me a scare! Sher is at the cat hotel now as I fly off tonight, but he also wishes you his besties.
Monday morning:
Fanks for the update. We are still purring loud for Momo. Please get well soon.
Pretty Momo,
Will you except a "Get Well Soon" from a dog??
I sure hope so. And I just know you are on the road to recovery!
Meowy Sugars,
Sending purrs your way for a speedy recovery!
MoMo, we're glad for the update and are continuing to send purrs. Paws crossed it IS just bruising and that you will feel better soon! Lots of kitty kisses to you and hugs to your humans!
Thanks for the update. Please keep us posted on all that is happening. I hope today finds you feeling better than yesterday and tomorrow you will be better than today. Try to eat and keep up your strength.
Oh sweetie, we're so sorry that you went through such a scary experience. We are sending lots of purrs for you to feel better, and we hope that your Gran is ok too.
Hello deew sissie
I hope y ou awe comfowtable and eating a little PLEEEZ! I know you don't eat much even when you feel OK, so i wowwy
I love you. Pleez get well. I know SS is taking the bestest cawe of you and Gwamma didn't do it on puwpose
smoochie healing kisses
We just popped in to check and see how you were feeling today. We hope you are feeling better and we continue to keep you in our purrs...and hugs to your SS and your Gran.
We are glad to hear that your checkup with the vet was positive. And very glad you are foofy so you did not get burned much. We will keep purring for you to feel all the way well very fast, and for your Gran and Mom too.
Mini and the rest of the Hotties
Oh MoMo, how awful! We won't stop purring for you 'til you tell us you're OK.
what a terrible thing to happen MoMo. Many purrrrrs for your speedy recovery.
We are glad you are going to be okay Momo! We are adding our purrs for a quick recovery!
Oh MoMo that is a scary accident! We are glad you are resting at home now - but we hope you eat a bit soon! We are sending you lots of purrs and prayers to feel better soon!
Hi Momo....I am sending you healing purrs and hugs to your Gran & Mom.
Oh no Momo! We are sending you many healing purrs and prayers that you get all better and want to eat noms very soon.
We are also sending comforting hugs and purrs to your Gran and your SS. purrrrrrrrrrrrrrs
oh my cod, Momo!!! that is so terrible. but i knows your Gran probably feels awful, so i will not makes her feel worse. thanks goodness for your new floof, it saved you from the hot tea. and hopefully your V-E-T is right and you are just sore and sensitive from being stepped on. keep us in the loop, girlfriend.
Are woo sure woo don't need me to send some more protekhtive phloof fur woo?
I do hope woo are feeling better -
We are behind in visiting due to our busy Rocky hunt and transporting weekend -
Sissy.. sorry for not coming by earlier. We just learnt about the accident on Asta's blog and jumped here. We hope you're taking a good rest. Sending our hugs to you, SS and your gran.
Momo & Pinot
Momo, we just found out about your accident!! Our Mom was cleaning all weekend & we didn't get to visit anyone... *grumble* We hope everything is alright!
Rumbly purrs to you & your Mom & Gran - who are probably beside themselves with worry!!
Keep us updated!!
~Nico, Simon & JayJay :)
Oh my Cod, I just read about your accident. How terrible for ALL of you! The update makes me feel very hopeful though, that no serious internal damage occured. We are all sending many many healing purrs to you, Momo. You know how much we love you!
Siena, Chill and Mom
That's horrible! that's everyone's worst nightmare, because us cats love to lounge around under their feet!
w00fs, Momo, me sure hopes u is feeling guesses it will take some time to heal..tell gram for me accidents happen and dont b to hard on herself...ur in our thoughts and prayers.
b safe,
Poor MoMo. Deep purrs you recover quickly, love you SIF!
Momo, I'm so sorry to hear about your accident, and sorry I am just getting to this now. Hope by the time you read this, you are feeling much better!
Oh sweet Momo I am so sorry to hear of your mishap. You are so big and beautiful I do not know how you could have been overlooked...I am sure she feels sad that it had to happen and you do still love her. I know all will be well again in time and you should demand extra treats for a long long time...
Love Misses Peach
I wanted to drop by and check on you. I hope you are feeling better very soon.
Sweet precious MoMo...we are back to give you even more soft rumbly purrs...and I brought a sock so I could sing to you the most soulful sock song I can. I hope you like it!
We won't stop singing and purring for you until we know you are 100% ok.
Oh my sweet friend... I'm so sorry to hear about your accident, thank heavens for your fur coat! My mummy spilled a cup of hot coffee on herself when she was a teenager and she says she has SO much sympathy for you.
We're purring really, really loud for you, and our mummy is too (she purrs very quietly tho) Please feel better.
Momo - how scary for you, Gran and SS. So pleased you are getting better! Look after yourself and stay warm. Sending you lots of purrs and hugs.
Tuesday 29th June:
We're still purring for yoo Momo. Get well soon.
Thanks for the update. Try some of the wet food, Momo. I hope that you are feeling better very soon. Herman is still sending his best healing purrs.
Hi Momo, We're hope that you're continuing to get better. Please eat some yummy foods so that you'll keep up your strength. Sending healing purrs and purrayers to you & Gran & SS,
Gypsy & Tasha & Karen (Mum)
Oh dear . I'm sorry to hear what happen and so sorry for being late to know and visit you..Thank goodness you are okay. Take care my friend..
We are still purring for you Momo and hope you are starting to feel better and are getting your appetite back. We are very glad that your lovely floof saved you from serious burns.
Sweet Momo! What a horrid thing to happen! The PM always has fears of something like that. What a scary situation!! We are glad to hear you are recovering well and there doesn't seem to be any long lasting injuries.
We'll keep you in our thoughts.
Purrs out to your Gran and SS, they must have been so upset.
{hugs} and comforting snuggles,
Goldie,Shade and Banshee
Poor MoMo! I hope you are recovering nicely now. That had to be scary for everyone!
We's finkin of yoo Momo and sending lots n lotsa purrs for healin!
Sanjee and tha resta tha Hotties
Oh no, we just now read this...we're late with our purryers but they're still heartfelt.
oh, dears! we is furry sorry to hear this news, but glad that you are gettin' better! we's purrin' an' purrrayin' that you will be all OK furry, furry soon!!
we sends you healin' purrs an' our furry best fishes!!
edmund, nitro, xing lu, an' iggy
Oh noes, Momo! Our mewmie says she has accidently done the same thing when kittens are underfoot. And she was just as scared as your pawrents. Those kittens got better, and we hope you are feeling fine soon!
Just checking up on yoo...hope yoo is feeling better already!
And the Garden Cottage Kitties say; "We hope you are doing so much better!! How Awful for everyone!Mommy steps on Larry (Arrius) Alot 'cause he's so dark,And she always feels so bad...... Hope you feel better soon!! Lolly sends lots of kisses (she kisses everyone!!)"
Momo sissie
i'm thinking of you and hoping you awe feeling bettews and able to eat and not feeling sowe all ovew sweet giwl
i love you
smoochie kisses
ASTA sissie
Read on the CB you're moving around and feeling a little better. We are glad to hear you're healing and hope you keep feeling better.
We are sending purrs. It is good that you are starting to feel better!
oh no.
I am so sorry!
I will pray for Momo and you guys.
Look after her well.
Oh no Momo! Me and my kitties will say lots of prayers for you and Gran.
Get Well Soon!!
Paws & Whiskers,
Jude,Poo,Babybella,Piper & Marley
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