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Wednesday 3 February 2010


Pomelo at three months

Do you remember Pomelo? He made his first appearance here, at six weeks old, in November when he was first adopted by his mom, a family friend of SS. Here he is again, at about three months. Isn't he a cutie?
His family will be going to New Zealand next week and he will be coming to us for a short holiday. So I am sure you will be seeing more of him soon. SS is worried that I won't like another kitty coming to the house, seeing that I have been the only cat in the household for more than 8 years. He is an indoor-only kitty because his folks live in an apartment, and will not be let out to the garden during his stay.


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Aww isn't he sweet. Will you be playing with him Momo?

Brian's Home Blog said...

Pomelo is a cutie, you're gonna be nice and polite...right sweet MoMo???

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Pomelo is quite adorable! I hope that you like him!

Sally Ann and Andy said...

Pomelo is very cute little kittie. Momo, you will be a nice host cat, right.
Sallly Ann

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Pomelo is indeed a cutie. Artemisia is drooling all over herself looking at his picture. We hopes you get along with him OK MoMo. Sometimes it is hard to get used to having younger kittens around that want to play all the time. ~AFSS

The Island Cats said...

What a cutie Pamelo is! It's nice that he is going to be visiting you!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, we hope the visit goes well and you don't mind his company while he's there. He's small and undoubtedly annoying to a more mature kitty, but you have a kind heart, Momo.

meemsnyc said...

Oh my goodness. He is totally sweet. What a face!

Mouchois said...

He's all grown up! He kind of looks like a ginger version of Harley from Daisy the Curly Cat!

Cory said...

MoMo...I'm assuming you'll be well paid in catnip for your baby sitting services. So I'm wondering what wonderful things you can teach him while you have him hanging on your every meow.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

He looks tasty - I mean khute!

I'm sure woo will do just fine with him!


Quill and Greyson said...

Hi Cutie!

Asta said...

Dawling sissie Momo
I hope that cute little Pomelo doesn't siwupt youw life and dwive you to dangewous places outside..you know how I wowwy about you.Pleez twy to make fwiends wif him
smoochie kisses

Sweet Purrfections said...

He looks like a sweetie. I wish you the best in trying to deal with another kitty in your house. I've been on my own for 14 years, so I know I would have problems.

Cat with a Garden said...

We think SS could be right to worry, as your first reaction is bound to be unfriendly. And that would be just normal! You have to defend your turf! We hope that everything goes well though. And we kind of look forward seeing more of this sweet guy.

Daisy said...

Oh goodness, little Pomelo is a cutie!

Forever Foster said...

Look how beautiful he is! What a sweetie:)

Everycat said...

Hello Pomelo! You have grown so much and look so handsome. Momo, we hope you can be a stressless hostess to Pomelo and you both have a very good time together.

Whicky Wuudler

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

What a cutie! There may be some hissing at first but I hope you two become friends.

Cory said...

MoMo, I'd be happy to be your business manager. I always try and negotiate for cheese anytime my mom wants something from me. You should get at least a full 4 ounce container of nip for a full week of babysitting! It's only fair.

Purrs, Cory

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Ok sissie, I know you are not going to like your visitor but remember you are the top cat and will be staying, sweet little Pomelo will only visit then head for his own house. Please be nice.
You might even have fun playing together.

Anonymous said...

OMC! Pomelo is a cutie~pa~tootie!!! We hope the visit goes well, we're sure it will!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Oh he is super cute! I am sure things will be ok with him there - don't worry too much.

Just Ducky said...

He is such a cutie. Can't wait for more pictures.

Sakura said...

he is so swwwet
thank you for sharing it with us

Dma said...

what a sweet face. i wonder if he has a new zealand accent.

GLOGIRLY said...

Pomelo is a huge cutie! She better start working out though... she might have to defend herself soon. ; )

(Glogirly's cat)

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Pomelo is super cute and surely you will like him!

Leslie said...

Now that's PURRTY!