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Sunday 9 November 2008


Last night there was a knock on the back door late at night. Well, it couldn't be me as I was already in the house and the birdies had all gone to sleep.

It was....

The poor little thing looked so thin and obviously hungry; he also had dirty hind legs. We have seen him around the neighbourhood in the past but he seemed to be better nourished then. He had visited my garden before but only walked along the fence but never came near the house. We guessed his humans must have forgotten to feed him or had abandoned him????? He wanted to come into the house but I hissed +++, so SS fed him outside with some dry food (he ate 2 dishes) and some milk. After a while, he left. We sure hope he has a family. Please pray for him!!!


Anonymous said...

What a sweet little guy. That is so beautiful how kittehs know who will look after them and where to go.

We sure hopes that he does has a familby, though nowdays Peoples seem to cares less and less about us, Rather than treating us like part of the familby we is just "the animal".. you know like we is a possession..
Your Momma is so very kind to feed him, I wish our ghost kitteh would stay around long enough to feed him too.


Anonymous said...

We have two intruders who have a home next door and are quite plump.

They scare us all the time. Pye screams! Then she has nightmares.

Cat with a Garden said...

OH, no, he looks miserable. I think it is a bad sign when a kitty is really dirty. Normally we are such clean animals and it's a sure sign that he's not coping well with something. Naturally I understand that you hissed, you had a point to make. It's a very good thing hough, that SS fed him if he looks really thin.
Hihihi, let's hope he doesn't occupy your house while we are away in Norway! ; )
Purrs, Siena

Anonymous said...

Oh, he sure does look lost, alone and hungry! Thank you for feeding him and sharing your foods.

Everycat said...

The poor little fella! Your SS is nice to give him some food and milk. In my book, any grubby looking cat is usually a stray or abandoned, because being grubby means they have no place to relax and clean up.

Your home probably has a big sign up outside that is invisible to humans - it says "Cat Lovers Live Here"

Parker said...

That breaks my heart. I hope he will be OK out there Momo!

The Island Cats said...

We hope he finds his way back home...it was nice of you to share some food with him...

snowforest said...

Oh that's sad. He looks sooo cute. Like Mr Milky. Hope he finds a new furrever home real soon.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Poor little kitty does look sad and alone. We are glad your mum fed him, but we can understand you hissing at him. We would have done the same.

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...


You & your SS iz furry smart. Dis guy looks likes heez hadz it reel rough of late.

I would hiss too... but after awhile, da hissin' goez away when we knowz dat WE iz still Alpha.

I waz once in hiz place: cold, wet,
dirty, abandoned, & STARVIN'.! Dis mebbe iz why I lovez my foodz so muchee now.

I yam sendin' by postal express, some fancy tidbitsez to you & dis kitty. I will includez some of my bestee stuff: Roastied chix-hen, baked ham, tuna wit cilantro & a sweet pineapple relish, beastie boogy-non, and to top its all off, some Orangel... cuz I know dats will warm hiz insidezez too.
(Of coursee you may takes a itty bitty sip on da side (hic!) I knowz I did!)
-Dr Tweety

Cory said...

Uh oh! We know the signs...when kitties are that hungry and that dirty and so sad, they have been left to fend for themselves. Some humans are awful...but good that he found you. We always share our food with any kitty who needs it. If he's truly alone, he'll be back. He looks like our Bennette!

Mickey's Musings said...

Poor little kitty. I do hope his people have not abandoned him :(
He at least knows which house to go to for compassion and good meals.
I will purr for him :)
Purrs Mickey

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh poor kitty. I think it was nice of your people to feed him.

Quill and Greyson said...

Oh he is a cute little fellow. I hope he finds a freindly home.

Phoebe said...

Your beans are so kind to feed the tuxedo. It picked a nice home to visit.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We are purring for him, we do hope he has a family. But MoMo if he has been abandoned we hope you will let him come in from the cold.

Wait........we forgot it is summer there, he'll be fine outside as long as he has food and water. What were we thinking. He must have been very hungry to eat 2 dishes of food. We know he was thankful for the food & milk it was so nice of SS to give him some. Please thank her for us.

~S,S & C

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Gosh, we sure hope his fambly din't abandon him...he is quite handsome. At least da other kitties left signs fur him to follow to get some food. Dad swears dat somecat left markers fur miles around here telling other kitties dat da area between deze three houses (ours, the beans behind us and der naybor) is da best fur shelter and food.

The Cat Realm said...

Oh he looks sweet! And really thin - I am glad your human gave him 2 dishes of food! He'll be back, hahahahahahaha! And we are sure your human will give him more food and look out for him! So you better stop hissing!