I have been tagged by the Turkey Cats for the Middle Name meme.
Here is how it works:
1. You have to post the rules before you give your answers.
2. You must list one fact about yourself beginning with each letter of your middle name. (If you don't have a middle name, use your surname or your nickname).
Well, I will use my most commonly used nickname - Mini
M - for Mieow... I have been told that I make a nice sounding 'Mieow'
I - for Intelligent... I may not look it but I am an intelligent kitty. I know a lot of things but am not showing or telling.
N - for 'Naps' and 'Noms'. Surely all kitties would agree with this. I love my naps and my food, especially cheese, ham and any kind of cold meat.
I - for Indolence. I am a lazy kitty and would spend my days just lazing around.
I tag my sweetheart Socks for this meme.
Pyewacket tagged me for Linda's Make A Wish Meme.
The Rules
1. Think about what it is that you want more than anything, what your heart's desire and fondest wish is, and what it is that you would wish for if you were to see the above wishing star flame across the night sky.
2. Right click and SAVE the blank graphic above.
3. Use a graphics program of your choice and place your wish on this picture:
4. Post the Make A Wish Meme and your wishing star on your blog along with these rules.
5. Tag as many people as you like so that there can be wishing stars all across the Blogosphere and ask them to please link back to Linda so that we can see what wishes others have made and share those wishes with others.
I tag my sissies Sassy and Asta.
Tuesday, 25 March 2008
Two Memes
Posted by
Angel MoMo and Charlotte
3:06 pm
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Thank yo fow tagging me..that is a wondewful tag..I love youw wish..i will twy to think of something impowtant to wish fow too.love
smoochie kisses
Your middle name is perfect!!! I love it!
But your wish pictures are not showing up.....
I'll come back tomorrow...
Momo Sissy
I'm sowwy fow my mistakes..I meant..Thank you..
I'm sneepy and my mind isn't wowking
Love you sissy...
smoochie kisses
Asta siss
you are such an elegant kitty~!
Always thinking and understanding~!!
What a great middle name and Wishing you make~!!! I am so proud of you!
Wonderful memes! Those are terrific words you chose to describe yourself and a wonderful wish. We hope it comes true!
I like your memes!
And you say the nicest things on my blog. I really thank you. :) You put a smile on my face. That Venice pic was fun- I really liked the chicken wire in the kit. How original is that designer!!
Hey - I just worked out that Pyewacket's middle name is "NO!"
Hi MoMo... we like your meme and your wishes... but we do not think you are lazy or indolent! Not at all.
That's a good wish Momo. We like your middle name too, but of course your not lazy, you just save your energy.
That is a good wish. It would be so nice if it could come true. Thanks for the tag, I will post probably on Friday. I already know what I would wish for but will not say right now. I did see all of your pictures, maybe it got fixed after Karl visited. It is Tuesday morning now for me.
That is a very nice wish. I hope it comes true.
Hi sissyMomo
I did the tag and I have an awawd fow you
love and smoochie kisses
Asta sissy
What a wonderful wish! I also enjoyed learning more about you.
What a wonderful wish, Miss Momo Mini.
Momo sissy
I went to my bloggie, and I did see my blank pictoowe..I don't know why you didn't..I'll keep checking on it to make suwe..Thank you sweet sissy
and smoochie kisses
Yes, I can sing, Momo. All dogs can sing. Some even on key. The Army of 4 invited us to come sing with them sometime and we think that's a terrific idea. The more the noisier - um, merrier.
Jan's Funny Farm
You say "lazy" like it's a bad thing!
Hi Momo,
Of course we don't mind you saving our pikchurs on your compooter. We are onnered you like them enuff to keep them. You or any of our furrends are welcome to use them, we just wouldn't want anyone we didn't know using them and purrtending we wuz somecat else as happened to Max.
What a very nice wish!
LOved your wishiez & your meme! We shouldz all be free from abusez & harrassmints...I know, cuz I waz almost strved to death by my former owner...I guess dat iz why I lovez to cooks so muchee!
ABouts dat Zoom Groom ting. It haz BIG teef, so it iz not furry effective fur detanglun da dread-lox. It feelz good fur massage & it gets some of loose furzez, but da momee sez dat a comb wit itty-bitty teef iz better fur untanglun.
I also got cutted one time from da momee, so now da dadee doez it wi da fur scissorz. Dey iz speshul & curved & haz a guard so dat dey do nots cut skin. But dat iz what da beanzez say..not me!!!
One time I had to be shaved at Petco!!! Dis waz awful em-bare-assin'. Dat waz when da momee said from now on, I has to get dem off. But I still hates to be groomed exceptee on my back & head.
Dr Tweety
That's a lovely unselfish wish. Purrs FAZ
You look great in the pics.
I love your list. Especially that part about the "naps" and "noms"!!!!! I love nomming ham!
Purrrrrrs, China Cat
What great memes. Those are great photos of you too. You look very pretty.
We just did our middle name meme.
That was a great wish too. From your lips to God's ears they say.
Purrs Shade and Goldie
Super memes MoMo!!!! I cannot imagine you being lazy though ;) A new production? Ooooooooooooooo,cool!!! I must let Tillie & Georgia know about this!!
Purrs Mickey
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