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Sunday 30 December 2007


To tell the truth, this is another post that is being hijacked by SS to introduce her kitty friends. However, since they are really cute kitties, I don't mind. The first is Lotsa, the kitty who is the resident kitty at the guest house where SS stayed in her recent trip to Cambodia. SS is gratified to see more cats and better nourished ones these days in Cambodia.

Lotsa is expecting babies and has to be careful not to wander next door because it is a crocodile farm.

The second is Charlotte whom SS is looking after at present because her humans are all overseas. Yes, I have to share SS these days. Charlotte is a mischievous cutie and like me, demands her breakfast at 5am!

The third is Porridge, who is SS's professor's family cat. SS is also looking after her during his absence. Porridge is a big kitty and very affectionate but likes to mess up the place a bit.

Do come and say 'mieow' to these non-blogging kitties.


Leslie said...

OHMIGOD! Crocodiles! Crikey!

Mom says that being a grad student is a very noble profession.

Does that make you a noble kitty?

Is it 35 there as well? *sigh*

Anonymous said...

It used to be just a travel journal with mainly photos. And I used to write quite a lot.

Now it is mainly travel photos and just a little bit of what I fancy. It's got lots of my trips in it. I travel to Italy mainly.

It's a remake of the one I had for six months with a travel forum.

It's for me, my mom, and a selected few of my female friends. :)

Anonymous said...

We made you something pretty and pink!

Thank you so much for letting us know about that link! Heck!

Samantha & Mom said...

Oh Momo, a crocodile farm! We sure hope Lotsa stays away from that farm!
And Hello to Charlotte and Porridge! We are very pleased to meet you!
Your FL furiends,

Karen Jo said...

I really hope that Lotsa stays away from the crocodile farm and teaches her kittens to stay away from it, too. Hello to all the kitties. You are sharing your Mom a lot these days.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Those are all lovely cats! Those crocodiles look very scary.

Daisy said...

Your friends are very cute! I am especially taken with the beautiful Lotsa. I hope she stays away from the crocodiles! We have alligators in the lake behind my house and they are Not Nice. I am guessing crocodiles are as bad as alligators.

Mickey's Musings said...

Those are some mighty cute kitties.
I do not think it would be fun living next door to a crocodile farm!! They look scary!!
Purrs Mickey

Monkee said...

Crocodiles! I hope my mom never gets the idea to move next door to a crocodile farm. Ugh! All your non-blogging kitties are very cute. Thank you for sharing pictures of them. Just make sure you keep Lotsa safe.

Boy said...

Cwocodiles!!! Tell those kitties to be careful!
They're all so sweet!

Jan Price said...

We sure hope momma kitty teaches her babies not to wander next door to the crocodile farm too.

SS must be nice. She's taking care of other kitties while their staff are gone.

jan's funny farm

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh, we do hope Lotsa teaches her babies to stay away from all dem teefs wif tails (crocodiles) and we'z happy to hear dat pet cats are as loved in Cambodia as anywhere else.

Artsy Catsy said...

What beautiful kitties! Charlotte looks a lot like our Saturday Adopt-a-Caturday kitty Misti from the Rescue Farm!

& the Artsy Catsy bunch

Christine and FAZ said...

They all look like lovely kitties, thanks for introducing them all. My girl human grew up in Surfers Paradise which she said was much nicer then than it is today. She lived in an old style wooden house on the river, right in the centre of Surfers, which is now a high rise building - no surprise. FAZ

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Those crocodiles look rather scary. I hope those non blogging kitties stay safe!

The Cat Realm said...

Hello to you all! You are all very beautiful cats - hahahahahaha - as if there is something like a not beautiful cat, hahahahahaha!
Have a wonderful New Year!!!!
Your friends from The Cat Realm

Leslie said...

Did we TELL YOU what had happened to Dragan's pink BMW??

Um, very kangaroo trafficy road on the way out to Fyshwick...

At night...

But it's OK! The car was almost OK! Anyhow it's back now out of the shop and they did a respray and everything, which Dragan was pleased about. He wasn't driving, his gf was, and he was just really pleased that she wasn't hurt (it's a 100 zone) so he didn't say anything.

He brought it round last week (straight from the garage to our house!) specially for me to take pics to post on here - he is the NICEST boy! But he did ask me not to show the wheels - he had to put "stockies" back on as the good ones in his photos are, er, um, not legal.

So we had to photoshop the wheels from his old pics onto the pic in the header. He has those wheels back on by now though. They are so pretty.

Reminds me of a story - might go post it on K.

Leslie said...

We're in Tugg, so we are on that bit of road a lot. Er, lots of kangas ASLEEP, like, having a NAP - on the side of the road. Erk!

Alessandro was with Dragan on that road at night recently and he had a five foot one, one foot from his passenger side window.

We see them almost every time we go out in the car. Last year when we did Christmas lights in Fadden out in the little purple Daihatsu, they were attracted to it, must have been the pretty colour. Even if you are crawling around in second gear, they want to leave the lawns they are munching, and hop over to visit!

Double erk!

Leslie said...



Have you seen these for sale over here? They are buying them at Walmart over there.

You get two of them and they velcro together - well, for people with more than one cat!

Leslie said...

Thanks but nah...

We will wait and see if they turn up over here. :)

(That ebay seller didn't mail to here.)

What do you think of those water fountains? Mom would like one for HER! I think cleaning it might be a pain, and buying replacement filters. But gee they look like fun.

You can tell who has a lot of time on her hands and is on holiday.

- Apart from housework and learning how to make digital scrapbook pics to teach it next year (which is hard as some people are born without the crafty gene).

Leslie said...

Hey - can we put you in one? We are bored with just making ones of us.

Oh and we are sitting here laughing. She just put up her "Goodbye - I've left and taken my blog with me" post on the old Kaleidoscope. We are laughing at the thought of her baking. Honestly! That cake she made at Christmas out of a packet was SO BAD!

Oh, it's at:


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Those are pretty kitties. We hope Lotsa keeps away furrom the crocodiles, and teaches her kitties to as well when they are born.

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

Wow! No wonder you came down to visit me. Must be hard sharing SS with all those cats. They all look like good sorts though. Lotsa is the very first Cambodian cat I've ever met!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Wowww......there are so many beautiful friends!!!!! Thanks for introducing them, it is my great pleasure~!!

Momo, Happy New Year~!
Hope you have the most great new year!!

shushu, momo & kero said...

Thanks for sharing the pictures of your non blogging kitty frens! They all look very adorable :)
But i think it is pretty scary staying next door to a crocodile farm, don't you think so? You will never know when they might suddenly decided to pay a visit to the neighbours......
Happy new year!!

Jan Price said...

We enjoyed meeting you around the pool too. We can't wait to hear Sassy's secret. You don't happen to know what it is, do you?

jan's funny farm

Asta said...

Oh Momo
Those awe bootiful catse..you have opened a whole new wowld fow me..I still think you'we the ost bootiful though
smoochie kisses

Leslie said...

Happy New Year - I'll be watching the Sydney fireworks. :)

I don't think we have them down here in the boonies. It would disturb the kangas!

Just Ducky said...

Happy New Year Momo.

Juno said...

Happy New Year, Sissy!!!

Thank you for introducing your friends. They are SOO adorable!!

My mom's friend sent my mom CKCS calender and the all models are cute but my mom thinks we're much cuter!! (hehehehehe)

We saw bootiful fireworks at Sydney harbour this morning. That was spectacular.

Momo & Pinot

pee ess: One more hour to welcome 2008!! My mom is sick today and we're trying to be very good doggies. :)

Sassy Kat said...

Isn't is great to have so many friends. When ya write about them I feel like I get to know them a little bit. I hope they stay away from the crocs.

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Happy New Year! 2008 is gonna be GREAT!


Be sure to stay away from those nasty crocs ... Their bitey is NOTHING like our bitey!

MaoMao said...

What beeyootiful kitties! Thankies fur sharin 'em with us. And those krockodiles would make me SKEERED!

Happy New Year to you and yur fambly! We wish you all the bestest in 2008.

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Anonymous said...

What lovely kitties! And oh my, crocodiles -- the mere thought makes me shiver in my floof!

Happy New Year to you and yours -- I hope it's your best year yet!

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.

Cynthia Rae said...

I wanted to stop by and wish you and SS a very Happy new year! Did you guys have fun last night?

All the best to you in 2008!
Cyn, aka Opus and Roscoe's mom

Buon Anno!

The Cats Stephens said...

Concatulations - you won the Percy B. Stephens I Wish I Was an Only Cat Award - swing by my contest page for details.

The Cat Realm said...

I hope you had a great New Years Party!!!
Thanks for stopping by!

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

Mom0.....Happy New Year!!!!! What a good time we had. We will has to recover now. z-zz-z-zz-zz

Parker said...

Hi MoMo - Happy New Year!