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Monday 3 December 2007

Catmas Tree

Looks like everyone is putting up Christmas decorations but SS has decided against putting up a tree because of my destructive tendency. Instead we are featuring a Catmas Tree:

This is a painting by the surrealist artist Michael Bridges, whose earlier cat paintings I have posted some time ago. There are lots more of his paintings at his gallery website, with a special section on cats. Do go and have a look, they are very interesting.


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh, we should try dat! We'z been downgraded to a little fake tree cuz somecat (Speedy) trashed da tree last year.

Cat Naps in Italy said...

The humans took all of our fun away too! The Christmas tree is always in a room where we can't get to it! We cats should protest!

Congrats on your win at the Great Raffle! Thanks to friends like you, we were able to raise a little money for the Cat Blogosphere!

Tanti baci,
Opus and Roscoe
ps. heheheh, we are still wearing our poker hats from yesterday!

Parker said...

I love that painting!

ZOOLATRY said...

Now this is a tree! But please, don't give our mom any more ideas about holiday stuff!!!
Happy day... do you want a tooth fairy picture done by us? Email to let us know...

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

That's a cool painting!

We only have a very tiny, artificial Christmas tree. My mom's sister is terribly allergic to real trees, and can't breathe if she's indoors with a real tree for too long, so they've always had artificial trees. My humans bought a small one to use in Munich, since they are only here three years and since their Canadian one has pre-installed lights that don't work with the European power.

Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

I dunno, that looks pretty realistic to me. Cat climbs tree, gets all tangled in lights...oh yeah!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

We do have a tree--but it's small and it's fake.

It is a lovely painting I think.

Chance said...

dats a pretty pictur. luks lyke loads of fun too! I still dont know what Chrissymas is, but mommie sez I'll find out soon. Whatever it is, I hopez there is toys and pettins involvded!


Jimmy Joe said...

No tree! Oh man, buddy, that's too bad. You got a really cool picture there, though.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Tybalt said...

How pretty! That looks like something one of my sisters would do. *cough*IVY*cough*

Juno said...

Hey Sissy! That's a cool painting! We doggies have to make our own! :) or.... Is there Momo tree around somewhere in the world??
Sassy said Pinot will have a part in the new CCSI!! We're so exciting!!

Momo xoxo

Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

We like the painting - though turning kitties into Catmas trees seems like a not nice thing to do.

snowforest said...

Hi Momo,

u r so purrty. thanx so much for visiting us. glad to meet u :)

Baby Stroller Reviews said...

MoMo, thanks for showing my painting here. Have a very Meowry Christmas.

Kimo and Sabi said...

Whut does yer cat-mouse tree look like? Our momma puts one outside on da front step, where we can see it, but not touch it!

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

I would never stand still long enough for someone to put lights on me. I would also bite and scratch VERY HARD anyone who attempted to do so.

Mr. Hendrix said...

It sounds to me like you have an evil alter ego that would destruct a tree. I just like to snooze under mine. Mommy sprays it with Bitter Apple so I don't chew.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

This is an awesome painting~!!!!!
Thanks for introduce this artist for me!!!

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Momo conCATulations for getting the bracelet and earrings for your donation. I will pop it into the mail this week. I would like to invite you and to come to my Victorian Tea party Wednesday afternoon...I hope you can stop in for a nice cuppa tea and a crumpet or marzipan mouse.
Purrrs Miss Peach

Tesla and Hansel said...

My mommy and daddy have a fake ristmas tree... but they won't let me near it... cuz i keep trying to eaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat it.