Ah, that was one fabulous trip - great company, interesting places and fantastic activities! I need to wind down and get those tired muscles a rest. Spa time!!!
And dream of leprechauns with furry faces....photo by Karl
Happy Easter To Efurrybody!!!!!
You certainly deserve a break after that busy trip. I had to wait a day to put up my photos but I had to acknowledge you outted my positive thinking campaign that had my photo at the White House already!
Have a lovely west and dweam away..it's what I'm doing too..so many wondewful memowies..
I love youw Eastew Pictoowe
smoochie kisses
Asta sissy
Hahahahahahahah Momo - great minds not only think alike but they do alike too! Check out Ruis and/or my blog, hahahahahahahahaha
Have a relaxing day. Or two. Or tree! We are taking off until Sunday!
Sorry about that - the picture should be back now!
Goodness - almost Easter already!
KC said...
what a nice rest and dream... hee hee, still finking about tha white house visit and all yours adventures... this is one St. Patrick's Day i won't furrget.
Purrs, KC
Oh Momo, you're not the only one. We all need rest after our trip. My maid-in-law was very burnt out so i took the staff-in-law and my staff and cats with me to a relaxing place...
oh you deserve a spa treatment after that long trip! cucumbers are yummy to eat too!
Enjoy your break! Have fun at the spa.
You make a lovely Easter egg!
Momo, hope you get lots of rest and relaxation! We had a great time with you in D.C.
Please come again anytime!!
Enjoy your respite....and happy Easter...ooo it's only a few days away...
Oh MoMo aren't spa treatments lovely. We tried to talk Socks into having one but he said "no way Jose" and took off to go hunting.
Scylla & Charybdis
We fowgot about immigwatio,yikes they might think she's a tewwiewist,heheh
It's going to wain all day todayyuck!
smoochie kisses,
We saw you in the Easter egg over at Sassy's and just had to come by to tell you how adorable you are in that. We're glad you're resting up after that strenuous trip. You worked very hard.
I see that you are taking it easy too! Good idea. After that trip to Ireland and everything that we did. Rest up. And hope to talk to you before Easter.
Happy Easter MOMO
Dat waz quite da egg-zotic pic of you in da Easter shot.
I tink you should stop ovefur on Saturday. I yam gonna haz a special Chix-hen pre-Easter second & thrid dinner.
-Dr Tweety
That looks like the perfect way to recover from a long trip.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Aaaah, a spa day (or two) is always welcome.
It looks like the whole Ireland gang has "The Look", hahaha.
I never knew cats came out of eggs... Do you think my staff has informed me incorrect??
Wow! You kitties really had a great trip.
Mine mombean always sez she need a vacation after her vacation. Gets plenty of rest.
A spa day or two is just what you need after your busy trip. Happy Easter to you, too. You look adorable coming out of the egg.
Hi MoMO! Thanks for coming over to visit us. Wow, after all of your exploits, we seem pretty boring. Ha Ha!!
Seems like you are getting some much needed rest. Why is it we always need a vacation after we go on vacation?
Have a great Easter! You make a perfect egg!
Purrs, Shade and Goldie
You really need some relaxation after that trip! Hope you have a happy Easter!
Once, you have gotten back from your trip, you are tagged for a TT meme. Check out our blog for details.
Happy Easter!
Did you see our weather pixie??
We are scrapping our Italy pictures and Trixie is asleep with the electric blanket on.
Happy Eastur, Momo! I'm gald you hadded such a superfabyoolus trip. And that's a great pickshure of you at the spa!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Happy Easter and Spring to you! Chill out now and relax after that hectic tour!
Purrs from the SnowForest family :)
Happy Easter Momo!
Happy Easter, sissy!!!
You deserve spa after your long trip. Hope you had a good rest and be ready for your next action! :)
Momo & Pinot
You certainly deserved to be pampered! I wish I was a lepry-kan. I'd share all my gold with the furries so they could buy treats!
You have a Happy Easter too!!
PS we love your Easter Egg photo
Happy Easter to you too!! Hope you had a good trip!
Happy Easter!
HUGS~ Chancy, Jake & Ernie's Voice
You look so cute in that Easter egg! I would love to find that egg with inside of it in my house on Easter morning, oh what fun we would have. While I was laying around on the beach I came up with an idea for Easter, my new photo, what do you think?
Happy Easter to you MoMo... please let your friends Asta & Charlie know they are featured today on our High Five Saturday...
hi Momo...enjoying your loooong holidays;) hehehe, must be a wonderful week end!
Though things get rough lately, Meaouwy Troops still like to share their furryfriend story about the unusual mark on her body and helping mommy disclose one of the reasons why we become the best communicator with humans:) so check them out in our blogs to find it more.
I'm back from Tahiti and the Italians and I picked up these neat bunny suits while on vacation there. What do you think? I know I am getting an early start but I am a little bored so why not??
Hope youw weekend with Chawlotte is going well and that Gwammie cooked you yummie tweats!
You'we the cutest thing evew to come out of an egg We've evew seen
Happy Eastew
love and smoochie kisses,
Happy Easter Momo. We hope your aching muscles have recovered.
Momo, happy Easter from me. Glad to see you've been relaxing in the spa. purrs FAZ
Thank you Momo - I will send the petition link to the cat blogosphere right away..... why did I not think about this earlier??? I must be REALLY burned out.... THANK YOU!
Momo sissy,
That is so vewy nice of them..I don't even know them..I went to look and they awe vewy bootiful and sweet..I had seen some of theiw gowgeous awt wowk befowe, but this ws one of my fiwst visits...I'm honowed.
I hope you'we having a puwwfilled day
smoochie kisses
Hi sissy!!!
Just wanted to stop by and say HELLO. We hope you're having a great easter weekend!! :)
Momo & Pinot
Happy Easter, MoMo, to you and yours from me and mine - we hope you're having an eggxtra special day!
Hugs & Purrs,
& everybody at Artsy Catsy
Wouldn't be Easter if I didn't stop over to my sissie's place and wish a HOPPY EASTER!! Hope you are having a nice quiet day with Charlottee.
Happy Meezter!
Happy Easter!
Happy happy Easter my friend!
Haha..gwad you guys had a gweat twip!
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