It is with a very sad heart that I am dictating this from my sick bed. My dear furriend Pablo has passed on to the Bridge. I shall always remember him as the feisty, handsome dude who had his own international fan club of which I was a member. When we first met, he was under the blanket for days, in protest to moving house. He was only showing a paw from under the blanket on the day of my first visit.
His mum and SS met for coffee when she was in Sydney for a conference and had a good netter about us. A bond was formed between the families, as it were.
We have followed each other's progress since then, inlcuding the addition of his new family member, baby Alex. We were very concerned and worried when he fell ill in the recent months but had hoped that he would recover and spend many more years with his loving family. But that was not to be.
We will miss you, Pabs, until we meet again. Run free with our furriends over the Bridge!!!!!
As for me, I was admitted to the Hospital again after vomiting. I was more dehydrated this time due to not eating/drinking and the prolonged intense heat wave. Our area had power blackout and there was no cooling - the house was like an oven when the outside temperature persisted at over 100F. I was given subQ fluids and further tests showed that my kidneys were indeeed compromised. That's why I have decreased ability in fluid regulation. The vet will teach SS how to give me subQ fluids. However, for the time being I am staying in the hospital until I eat/drink to the vet's satisfaction. It was with great relief for all that a cool change arrived yesterday, dropping more than 30 degrees F in half an hour. SS hopes I can come home soon.
Thankyou all for your purrs!
Monday, 7 February 2011
Sad Day - A tribute to Pablo
Posted by
Angel MoMo and Charlotte
8:32 am
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We were sorry to hear about Pablo. Purrs to his family from all of us.
And you are still in the hospital. Mom had to do subQ fluids for Misty, and we are sure SS can do it too. We will continue to purr for you and that you can get well.
Purrs and more big (((hugs))),
Momo, I am sorry that you are still not well! Please feel better very soon!
We were deeply saddened at Pablo's passing too.
Continued purrs to you, MoMo, that you soon will be better and be home. Annie recently spent the 5 days at the vet hospital with IV fluids 24/7 (and the endless enemas, of course, plus x-ray, etc.) so she definitely commiserates with you.
Sending kitty kisses to you and hugs to SS.
We too were very sad when we heard the news about dear Pabs.
We are sorry you are back in hospital and hope you are soon feeling better with the fluids. We hope you don't get any more powercuts and the temperature stays lower for you. We send you cooling get well purrs.
I'm feel so sad about Pab. I did visit them last night. It heart broken.
And I'm so sorry about your helth. I do purrs purrs for you to feel better so soon.
Big hugs and Lot of purrs for you
We were so sad to hear about Pablo. We visited his family earlier to say goodbye.
Momo, we hope you recover quickly and go home soon!
Oh no! We will purr hard for you MoMo.
Deew sissie Momo
I'm so sowwy that you have lost a deew fwiend on top of feeling so poowly again.
I am cwossing my paws and hoping that the dogtow and SS can help give you those much needed flooids.
all my love and healing smoochies
I was very sad to hear about Pabs too. I am sending you my mega purrs and I sure hope you feel much better soon. We love you Momo!!!
RIP Sweet Pablo..We are purring very hard for you MoMo! I hope you can come home soon!
Momo I hope you are feeling better, being sick is No Good. It was just awful news about Pabs, wasn't it?
We are sorry to hear about Pablo. We didn't know him but he sounds a lovely cat. Purrs to his family from all of us.
Hey, will you be OK with this kidney thing??? Worried about you.
So sorry to hear about Pablo.
I'm sending special purrs to your and your mom!
We're sending you healing vibes and purrayers, Momo! We were sorry to hear the sad news about Pablo.
It's been a sad day and we are both sending most positive thoughts to you and SS too.
I think it is time fur SS to send woo to ME!
I'll keep woo khool!
Paws khrossed fur woo to feel better soon!
We are sorry fur the loss of your furiend too -
Oh, MoMo, Sam & I had not been allowed the computer today at all, so we only came for a moment just to ck on you...and we see your news about your dear friend, Pablo. How sorry we are, my sweet friend. We are shedding tears with you and know you will miss him. How lucky he was to have you as his best friend. And now we are purring for you, too, because we so want you to get better. We promise we will ck back again as soon as we can. We are sending the most healing nose kisses and soft head bonks to you.
It is a very sad day with Pablo leaving. He had a lot of friends.
And we're concerned about you, Momo, so we hope you will be home soon and doing better.
We were very sad about Pablo going to the Rainbow Bridge!! WE shall miss him!! We are purrring and praying for you to get better Momo!!
(((((HUSSSSS)))))) from your TX furiends,
I'm feel so sad about Pab.
I have lost so many wonderful friends in my life, and each time it is so painful...
What is happening to you? Why are you sick? Wish you recover well and be the happy sweet cat you deserve to be!
Sending kitty kisses, hugs and lots of purrrs to you and your loved ones!
Dear MoMo, I am really sorry about your friend Pablo. And I really hopes you can come home very soon from the vet and that you will be feeling better and will eat your Num-Nums. You are in our purr-ayers.
That's a lovely tribute to Pablo, he was indeed a super lad and we will miss him.
Momo, we are so sorry that you are back in the hospital. We hope that your condition can be stabilised, that the epic heatwave just goes away for good and you are home feeling better very soon.
Rumbly purrs to you lovely Momo
Whicky Wuudler
& Gerry
We were very sad about Pablo too. We sure hope you can start getting better really soon. Hopefully the vet can get you straightened out with the fluids. We have had several cats here that had the kidney problems and we went once a week for fluids and we did great. Take care.
We were so sad to hear about Pablo. He was one of our first blogging buddies too. We will miss him very much. We sent purrs to his family...
And Momo, we're sorry you still aren't feeling well either. We hope the weather gets cooler and you start feeling better. Ourmom gave one that came before us fluids and she said it wasn't too difficult. We know the SS is doing everything she can to help you. We send you purrs too.
We are sorry to hear about Pablo.
RIP Pablo dear...
We didn't know Pablo but it is always sad to hear of kitties going to Rainbow Bridge. We are sorry to hear you are staying with the vet until you are re-hydrated -that was too much heat for any cat but especially for you Momo. We hope you will soon be home again with your mom and keeping her on her toes!!
We are keeping the purr motors going strong for you MoMo!
We were devestated to read about Pablo.
You guys must have been so relieved to have the cool change come through. We're so sorry that you're not feeling well, Momo. We hope the sub q fluids make you feel better. I had lots of sub q when I was a bubba, it's good stuff! We're all purring for you.
pablo sounds like he was a great cat... i hope you feel better real soon...
We were very sad to hear about Pabs.
We are very concerned about you sweet MoMo. We are sending our best healing purrs and we do so wish we could send you some of our cold weather. It is very upsetting that you had a power blackout and had to endure the heat when you already felt bad.
We are so sad to hear of your loss of a friend, Pablo. Sadly, we didn't know him but know if he was your friend, he had to be special.
Sweetie, please, please, please get well....we are purraying for you.
Momo sissie
I came to check on you..awe you eating???is the hydwation wowking?
wif all my love and wowwied healing smoochie kisses
Awww ,,,,, MoMo Sweetie, we are sooooo sorry you lost your furend.
We are sorry it'z so Hot for you we Purrayz Loudly for Cooler weather for you , and pleaze take care, we Wurry for you ~
Purrayerz, Purrz & Kissez ~
So sorry to hear about sweet Pablo...Tell your Mom she will be able to give you sub q fluids everyday very easily and quickly once she gets used to it; our Mom did it for many years for other kitties and says it is very worth doing and can add years to a kitty's life...Best of luck=we are purring and praying for you, gorgeous Momo and your wonderful Mom...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Oh sweet Momo, I am so sorry to meet you and learn that you are in the hospital. I read about you and about Pablo on the CB.
Love to his family and love to you as well, Momo. Please get better. I will be purring for you.
We are so very sorry to hear that Pablo had to go to the Bridge. We are sending purrs of comfort to you, and Pablo's beans.
We are purring and praying real hard for you to get better soon, MoMo!
we's sorry to hear you is not "up to snuff" just yet--we don't like the furry hot wevver, either. please eat an' drink some more, soon, so you kin go home to SS. our mom gave subq fluids to cap'n nels, so we betcha SS will learn wifout a prollem. best fishes, dear momo!
Hi MoMo! We are so sad to read about Pablo. We sent purrs and prayers to his family. And we are so sad to read about you being so sick too - we are sending you tons and tons of get well purrs and prayers!
We are so sorry to hear about your furiend Pablo. Our thoughts and pawrayers go out to his family~
We are also saddened to hear you are still sick~
we pawray for you too~
IzZY, Josie, TriXie and Anakin Man
thinking of you momo - get well!
we miss pablo, we liked him a lot, very hard to understand that he is gone...
purrs to you!!!
the cat realm
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