The time is here - the dreaded time when we kitties can have a say in the purrfurmance of our humans.
Sad to say, SS fall short on most counts....
Overall rating is a bare two paws - SS just scraps through with no colour. She will HAVE to:
1. Help me to blog more often, preferably daily.
2. Visit at least 20 furriends each day.
3. Give treats every hour on the hour.
4. Perform scritches whenever I want them and not whenever SHE wants to do it.
5. Work at graphics and photoshop skills so that I can help my furriends in organizing parties and shows.
6. More participation in CB events.
Aw, SS, despite your failures I still love you! Purrrrrrrrrs......
This week is another sad week - our sweet furriend Annie has gone to the Bridge. Run free, Annie, with our furriends at the Bridge. We will miss you, until we meet again.
Please visit her family in this difficult and sad time to offer support and condolences. It is always hard to lose a loved one, no matter how much you have anticipated the event.
Friday, 18 February 2011
Annual Purr-fur-mance Review
Posted by
Angel MoMo and Charlotte
10:00 am
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Hi MoMo,,,, Our Mom thinkz you iz Hissterical,,, she'z sittin here laughin her silly head off,,,, waitz till she getz a review.... den we'z see who'z laughin...hahaha
She sayz she feelz Sorry for SS,and for us not to get any ideaz! Humph!!
Yes, soooo Sad about Annie,,, mom was so upset when she found out last night,, it jus remindz her when she lost Morgana. She knows the Sadness.....
We hopez you are doin Better ^..^,
We hopez you are eattin a bit more,, Take care. We don't want nothin happening to our Sweet MoMo.
Purrrz ~ xoxoxo
Well, the good part for your human is that I bet there are others out there who will be getting worse grades!
Oh MoMo, you might have been a little tough there sweetie, but I think the treats on demand could go a long way to improving that score!
I think your human did better than mine...
Well, two paws is better than two SWATS! Or a bitey!
Momo, I never know you been tough with your mom !
You look so sweet !!!!!
Well at least your SS can do graphics and photoshopping our Mom's efforts are embarrassing.
Momo, it's tough when you hafta rely on somebuddy else to help you blog...but as to client satifaction...we are very satisfied!! We love visiting you!!
MoMo, you may have been a little tough on your mom, but you gave her some benchmarks to improve for next year. I do know I wish I could visit more!
I am sorry that Annie has gone to the bridge. She will be missed by many.
Now as to the Purrrfurmance Review. Everyone is leaving comments about being too tough on the humans. I say read them and weep. They are evaluated on what they do for us. I think you did a fair evaluation of things and have come up with some definate good ideas on how SS can improve on herself. There is always room for improvement I always say.
Job well done!
How are you feeling?
That was a harsh review!
Show them no mercy we say. Keeps the Beans on their toes.
Hey Momo! I think you have good goals for your PURRson! Sorry about your friend Annie.
Hmmmm, Jan got 2 1/2 but only because we love her. Your SS has done her best with bad internet connections, painful shoulders, having to travel to faraway places to work .... We think she has done better than Jan.
Hi MoMo...lots of love to you. xoxoxox Your mommy loves you too..just as much as you love her. ♥♥
Excellent review!!!!! Better than Vicki & Paul....
I'm so glad that I escaped having to be reviewed this year! Pablo would have given me an F, for sure!
How are you feeling these days, Momo? I've been thinking about you and hoping you're on the mend.
So sad to hear about dear Annie. At least she's no longer suffering now. It's so hard to lose our furry friends.
Too bad your Mom didn't uh, "offer" you a little somefin' in exchange for a 4 PAWS review like mine did...But your list of demands are excellent! I'z glad you are eating and feeling better, we keep purring for ya.
Cloon's Human: I wish that I would have known some of the people from the CB when I travelled last year in Australia, that would have been great. As soon as my plane landed in Sydney I fell in love with it! I definitely felt like I was on the other side of the world and it was a very special trip. I got to experience alot of Australia's animals and that was amazing for me. I give your country a 4 PAWS rating.
We love your blog so we think your hooman is doing a pretty good job! Of cos, more meals, treatsies and scritchies are very very very welcome.
~Slash & Bronzy
It seems not visiting furiends enough is a major complaint! We don't get to visit as much as we would like either.
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
Hi MoMo. Hope you are doing better.
Well SS has been feeling poorly so I say give her a pass.
Your Mom does as good as job as she can. We enjoy your posts very much!
We gave our Mom a low review, due to her woeful purrfurmance last year.
Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel (& fosters Sunny and Sky)
Momo, how are you feeling lately? Gosh, 100F is way too hot! It's been 80-85F in here and we are frying! Too hot I say! Be cool and get better! About the review, Meowmy took it from me as I was filling it out and put it on the bin - she said NO way you are publishing all those swats! yeah - your hooman did better than ours, I guess!
Happy Cat Family
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