This is the real day of return of Asta. We, of course, have been partying for sometime. Details can be seen in various blogs - Sassy, Scruffy, Opus and Roscoe, Karl to name but a few. Here we are, all waiting patiently at the entry of Asta's apartment building for her by Koobuss and Sassy
More partying with the return of Asta. For the newcomers, here are the house rules as stipulated by Scruffy, Lacie and BabyStan
* Dogs, get along with the cats (and vice versa.) If you can't get along, remove yourself from the situation and go to another play station....we'll have board games, videos, bowling, a slip and slide, an indoor pool,an egg toss, mud play, paw painting, and too many other things to count.
*The cats will have a fishing contest...(no, the fish aren't alive...Butchy and Snickers wouldn't permit live fishing....) a mouse release game...all mice will be unharmed in this practice; (oh, and they will be numbered so we can find at least half of them when we leave)...lotsa real furniture scratchin' posts, a meatloaf idea!!!!...which cat most closely resembles a meatloaf wins a prize...and buckets of other things.
*No cat can mess with Girl Girl. Girl Girl may spend at least part of the pawty ridin' on Mango's back.
*Dogs will stay OUT of the kitty litter boxes. No exceptions made.
*There will be NO cooking of cats, Whippets. While your idea of Kitten CATchatorie is, um, clever, their idea of Whippetchini Alfredo is just asking for trouble.....keep the trash talk under your breath.
*Those wishing to play "How many animals can we stuff in Asta's elevator" may only do so if the elevator is less than half full of apartment residents.
*Dogs needing to go "OUT" are ask to NOT wait until the last minute as the elevator may be full with animals playin' the above HMACWSIAE game.
*All cats and dogs are asked to refrain from chasin' the Wheelies. It would just lead to Mayhem and Havoc. (The names of Mumsie's next dogs.)
*Any animals dog or kitties eating a raw food diet are asked to use a paper plate (if there are any left) if snackin' in Asta's parents bed. For that matter, all diners are asked to use a plate....there's nuthin' worse than sleepin' in a bed covered with crushed potato chips.
Oh my gosh! This is gorgeous!! :)
I have to "imagine" my beach...
That's some celebration!
That's an awesome party!
Wow, that looks like so much fun! CELEBRATION TIME......
Too much fun we are all having. I am going to head out for another walk, going down by the waters edge if you are interested in joining me.
Sassy Kat, we are going for a walk with you. It is very noisy in here with all us party animals!!!!
We are having a blast. I can't wait to see the look on Asta's face when she gets home and sees all of us. ~Scylla, Charybdis & Socks
What a crowd! Asta is going to be soooo surprised when she sees all of you.
That's amazing! All those ::shudder:: dawgs. Funny, we cats don't have a long list of rules for OUR parties!
Momo, if Knot Mee is a problem at your house, practice looking innocent. Rolling on the floor works, too. Hiding in shame is as good as a confession. Purrs, dear!
Oh my too many wolfies! Gemini
That looks like a lot of fun. I would be frightened of th doggies I think.
Purrs, Sukie X
We are tagging you for a book meme. ~Socks, S & C
That is quite a list of rules! We like the no eat'in kitties! Hehehehehe!
What a wonderful party! We sure do hope that Asta gets here soon!
Opus and Roscoe
Wow what a party! Just look at all those kitties and woofies!
What a great pawty. We wuz afraid we wouldn't make it in time. If you need any help at the end catching stray mousies, I'm your man.
What a blast dis party has been. Sadie sed she's sorry she started da herd of elephants game up and down the hallway and made the naybors scared...but it was fun!
I just walked in the doow!!!
I'm so happy you'we hewe and feeling good!!!
I missed you and lit candles in all thechuwches I visited..This is the bestest suwpwise..and to see my cat and doggie fwiends getting along..I love it!!!
Come sit by me so we can talk
smoochie kisses
Asta sissy
Asta, Asta, Asta, my darling sissy, you're back!!!! Hugs, hugs, kissy, kissy! I am so happy to see you! Thankyou for the candles. They work!!!! I am almost back to normal. We have been having a great time partying in your honour. Umm, I hope your parents don't mind too much about the mess.
Bwahahahaha!!! Welcome home Asta!!
Party on guys !!!!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey
I have to disagree with the last one... there is nothing quite so satisfying than waking up in a bed that is covered with food, and crushed already, at that - bite-size! You don't even have to get up between naps to have a snack. Any human that knows his priorities would appreciate such consideration!
licks & slobbers
Hi Asta! Welcome home...we haf been having a good time!
wow! what a wonderful party. Welcome home Asta! Good to have you back.
Momo, you are a great friend to help put together such a wonderful party. Bendrix was glad there are no "official" evil alter ego rules...
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