I haven't shown off my toesies for a while. So I sat very still for SS to take this photo. Just for this, I got treats for being a good kitty.This is my summer toeies, I have longer tuffs in the colder weather. I love it when SS messages my toeies when we are cuddling at night.
Answers to my last game:
1. Siena, my little sister-in floof (LSIF)
2. Me
3. Gracie, my sissy
4. CocoBean, sister to Jelly Bean
5. Armani, brother to Jelly Bean and Coco Bean
6. Attie Cattie
7. Artemisia, youngest sister of Socks
Concats to Cory who was the first kitty to get them all correct.
Tuesday, 30 March 2010
Toesies Tuesday
Sunday, 28 March 2010
When kitty eyes are smiling
This is a game to see how good you are at identifying kitties from their beautiful eyes. The pictures are numbered from 1-7.
Hints to help you:
1. The kitties in the frame with 'A' have names starting with A
2. Two of the kitties are from the same family
3. Two of the kitties are my 'sisters'
4. One of them is me
5. One of them is a repurrter of the CB
6. One of them is from Germany
7. One of them is relatively new to the CB and the picture is taken from her header
OK, one more BIG hint:
The name of 1. starts with S, 2. M, 3. G, 4.C
Off you go and commit yourself...... :)
Thursday, 25 March 2010
Thursday gardening
It is a wonder that anything grows in our garden, given the extreme laziness of my SS. But they do. It's autumn now but the weather is still very warm. The roses, hibiscus and daisies are in bloom. So are the honeysuckles...
The sweet scented osmanthus, a present from an old friend from long ago...It was only a small bush then, now it has reached the height of our roof. It's not a native but the smell is heavenly. I don't get to smell it much because it's in the front garden and SS only allows me to go out there when she is around.
And this huge flowering pot plant that SS's brother gave us last year and which has been sadly neglected....We don't know the name of it, neither does he. Probably a Protea ???
Last of all, I have to show you little me, the crowning glory of our garden ;)...
BTW, this is our 350th post!!! Since it's also Thankful Thursday, we are thankful for all the furriends who have come and visited us since we started blogging.
Tuesday, 23 March 2010
At the rate that I am posting and visiting my furriends, you would think that my SS is away from home. Oh no, she is right here, hogging the 'puter and saying she is bizzy writing papers. What's more important, broken bits of 7000-year-old ceramics or a live, floofy kitty? Really, I ask you.
I am totally crabilated....
Thursday, 18 March 2010
Thankyou for the award
I woke up this morning to a wonderful award - I won first place for 'Green Sleeping Area' (entry picture in the last post) in the St Patrick's Day contest sponsored by Brian and Lynx217!!!! Thanks +++++ to the organizers. I am very honoured to be chosen. Concats to all the participants as all are winners.
Thanks to all the old friends who came by to visit and new kitties who drop in to say mieow and offer concats.
Hope everyone had a wonderful St. Catrick's Day. Good to see all the celebration in the CB. Must be up there with Christmas, Thanksgiving and the Halloween, judging by the entries in the linkies.
Wednesday, 17 March 2010
Dreaming on Green
This is my entry photo to Brian's St Patrick's Day competition. It is just about the greenest sleeping place you can find.
I am dreaming of days gone by, of the trip to Ireland with my furriends on a St. Patrick's Day past, of those who are here and those who have gone.
Have a good day, wherever you are!
Saturday, 13 March 2010
Do not underestimate granny cat
This granny cat can be fast if she wants to.
Friday, 12 March 2010
Friday favourites
We've been looking through some of the photos from both digital and pre-digital days and decided that we would put some of our favourites up on Fridays.
The first is this one from my not-so-distant tree climbing days.....
The next one is one of my earliest photos. I came to live with SS's family as an adult cat. Therefore, there is no kitten photo to show, much to SS's regret.
The quality is not so good as it was scanned from a photo print. It was taken in the winter of 2002. No, I wasn't any heavier then. All winter floof!
Do you think I have aged well?
Thursday, 11 March 2010
Thursday Gardening
It's been rather wet lately and the garden smells nice after the rain....
The hibiscus tree by the garage is blooming....
And our lovely neighbour gave us this.....
Does anycat know what it's called? I don't think it is a flowing plant but the leaves have gorgeous colours. We plan to keep it indoors in a sunny spot.
All combine to give some colour to an otherwise lack lustre garden. Yes, my lazy SS has been neglecting the garden and we have much fewer blooms this year despite the increased rain.
Tuesday, 9 March 2010
I have a kitty visitor
Mieow, mieow, mieow.....
I am very excited today as I have a kitty visitor all the way from Germany. She has travelled all night on the Magic Carpet to be with me....
Being gardening kitties we naturally want to spend time in the garden, climbing trees....
And high places...
Stalking each other....
Resting by the fountain...
Contemplating life by the fence, like those Zen gurus....
And finally, waiting for our milk and treats....
Get a move on, SS, we have been waiting for ages! Service around here leaves much to be desired.
Do you know who my beautiful visitor is? Take a guess. There have been lots of hints. In addition, she is a regular blogger and has a large following. Go here to see if you are right.
Monday, 8 March 2010
MoMo of Arabia
Saturday, 6 March 2010
Sleepy Saturday
Thursday, 4 March 2010
Making a birthday cake
Do you think this colourful blanket of mine would turn into a cake if I knead long and hard enough?
Well, you see, it's my SS's birthday today. We are going to celebrate with a special dinner tonight and I would like to contribute to the dessert.
Don't even ask me how old she is. I haven't got enough toeies for counting the years. Suffice to say that she is older than 10 and younger than 10,000.
OK, gotta go, furriends. Work to do for this kitty.
Monday, 1 March 2010
Aftermath of the Party
After a whole weekend of rock and rolling, nipping and general partying, we are exhausted.....